Sequel to Pokémon TCG for game boy

One of my favorite games for game boy when I was younger. I know the sequel was a Japanese only release.

Any ideas for how I can play it in English today??? Would love to play it and love the vintage cards. Any ideas how I can play it? Thanks guys.

There is a patch for the rom somewhere that translates all the text to English.

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One of my favorite games of all time I loved that game

You can also find the translated “Pokémon Card GB2: Here Comes Team GR!” rom on a cartridge with a fancy box on eBay. Of course it’s a bootleg as it never actually saw an English release, but you might prefer to play the game on your actual GameBoy Color / Advance. Physical over digital any day of the week for me!

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I never knew this and I’ve been wanting to play this game for a while now but could never get the translations to work. Just ordered a copy, thanks for the info!

Can you find it and share a link!?

Here’s the one I bought last night

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The boxed version can be found here on eBay.
For cartridge only just go with lamplamp’s link.

@melchior, @lamplamp,


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Ive been playing the fan translation rom and I love it!! :blush: Such a great game and includes alot more cards.
This was how I was introduced to the vending series cards