Hey guys, I live in Australia and collect things. Gave away my collection ages ago and started afresh with the goal to collect every Gyarados card known to man. I have a long way to go, but it would be no fun if you could just build a collection in a week!
Here is a wall of Ancient Origins XY60 promos, which is my favourite Gyarados artwork so far:
Here are the staff promos with a sealed pack, heaps of these guys were printed off centered so would be cool to see in PSA 10!
Here is German language Staff and Regular versions with the same pack as above
Not sure what other languages this card was released in other than Japanese…
With help from Glen at @japanime I was able to get this XY-P Hiroshima Promo beauty! There was one bidder who was going nuts and buying all of them luckily two popped up with a ‘buy it now’; I was able to get one while good old monopoly man bought the other not long after.
@woolsluk Not sure but I assume relatively low, they were given out to some/all Pokemon Centers in Japan for people participating in the Gyarados Battle on August 22-23. There was a medal given out to the winners as well I remember seeing it somewhere it was red I think?
Recent pickups:
Japanese Unlimited Gyarados Gold Star 008/052 - Unlimited doesn’t pop up as often as you would think
English Gyarados Gold Star 102/110 - Upgrade
Italian Gyarados Gold Star 102/110 - Most people would say poor condition but I say the gnarly creases add character, a unique fingerprint if you will
In other news by my count I am 2 cards shy of completing Gyarados in English. Just need ‘grey’ stamp 1st ed base and Team Rocket Gyarados 8/82 (holo) 1st ed ‘smudge’.
Here is my smudge rare with normal 1st ed:
@ozenigma Yep! Can’t wait for the artwork to be released, super keen on seeing what they do for the full art cards
@zenard Welcome to the forums! Snap Gyarados is the final boss battle for all Gyarados collections so therefore I must get him! How is your Gyarados collection coming along?
@shizzlemetimbers Thanks for the welcome mate! I’ve just started on mine, got some great deals on Misty’s Gyarados and Base Set 2, but I’ve also got a couple from Ancient origns! Searching for some deals on Base set unlimited / shadowless / 1st edition for now. I’ve started a couple collections so my Gyarados one has fallen a bit behind I guess.
What are your thoughts of BREAKPoint’s shiny Gyarados EX and M Gyarados EX? I’m really excited!
@zenard It is a lot harder than people think to go after one Pokemon sometimes the most random card will take ages to find :/. Good pick ups so far! I really like the M Gyarados EX art especially with the water effect down the bottom! The EX has slowly grown on me but I am waiting for the full arts hopefully they knock the socks off
@zhongwen Awesome I need that one send me a message if you have any luck, I am not fussed about condition any specimen will do!