Should I be worried?

On the 3rd of January I sent off a package of two cards that were quite expensive. 2 weeks later the tracking information still said accepted at the original post office. Shortly after, the information said it was despatched on the 4th but it didn’t update that information until the 20th or so. As of now the information reads the same. The person I sent the cards to hasn’t received the cards yet. Tomorrow marks 3 weeks since I sent the cards.
It was mentioned in the post office that Canada is having a postal strike. Canada is the destination.


Was this via eBay?

If so I think you have cause to be concerned.

Keep tracking info so when you refund the buyer, if the buyer starts a claim you can get the items back.

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Even that might not protect you. I had a fairly expensive card purchase a few months ago that took 2 months to actually make it out of the postal system to me. The seller had refunded me after we waited a month with a usps search inquiry open. I reached out to them when it came and we worked it out but not everyone would for sure. Tracking never updated, and I still get notifications that usps is looking for the package. I left the inquiry open just to see for how long they will “look” for it. As it’s been 6 months since then and they are still “looking” I don’t think it is a very advanced process

I hope everything works out!!

It was actually a trade off instagram and the conditions of the trade were that I trade first.

how confident are you on honesty of the person you traded with?

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Quite confident actually, he seems reputable online. I’m more worried that cards are lost.

I think that the cards will most likely eventually show up, so if you think they are a reputable person I wouldn’t worry too much that they are just gone forever

Canada’s postal workers are back to work, their union is still negotiating. But you said its been 3 weeks… I would start to worry if they haven’t received it yet.

But yes, how trustworthy was the Instagram user? Did they have references?

When I spoke to the man in the post office he said there was a backlog of items due to canada. Which is why I wasn’t worried when the tracking didn’t update. But when it did update it said it has despatched 2 weeks earlier which worried me then. I’m hoping it shows up soon as I’m new to pokemon and losing the bulk of my collection would really set me back.

Unless maybe it despatched the day it updated and not the 4th, but im confused.

Did you purchase insurance? It’s worth it to spend a few extra dollars if the items are worth more than you can afford to lose.

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I should have but unfortunately not. I will do so from now on.

Sometimes the tracking doesn’t update at all yet the package gets delivered… You have to rely on buyers being honest.

By the way, I strongly advise purchasing signature confirmation next time.

Good luck OP. I hope everything works out for you.

Our postal strike has been over for awhile and all the backlog was cleared up.

Did you enter the tracking number into Canada post’s tracking system? Sometimes it doesn’t show up on USPS or others

Not sure about whats going on in Canada, but I just wanted to comment in hopes that it will turn out okay, keep us updated!

I sent off a lot of packages around the same time that never got delivered. They were all non-tracked low-value cards, but about 4-5 people claimed they never got their cards from when I sent around that same time. From my experience, usually the people on ebay are pretty honest and i’d say I had maybe 4-5 people all last year claim they didn’t get their items. Funny how I had around the same amount of claims in a weeks span right after Canada Post comes off strike and just after the christmas holidays. I’m positive they just lost the packages or they’re hidden in a warehouse somewhere and won’t be moving. I hope they find your package though!

Is it possible the US government shutdown has something to do with this? People at airports not being paid and therefore not giving a shit etc…
Just thinking it might not be purely an issue on the Canadian side alone.

Shouldn’t have delays due to the shutdown…yet.
There’s some dispute on whether postal employees are federal employees cause they share in the federal retirement fund but the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics doesn’t consider postal workers federal employees because the postal service is a quasi-federal agency.

The US Postal Service

Post offices will remain operational and mail delivery will continue. As Rachel Wolfe has written for Vox, the USPS is funded by independent sources of revenue, including the sales of products and services — so it’s not impacted by any kind of shutdown.


Not just the postal services tho… If mail is going international it’s depending on airport staff too… Many of wich are not being paid cause of the shut down.