Show your heavily loved cards from your childhood

Nothing beats that beat up card from your childhood you still have. I greatly enjoyed my holo cards but I also was really interested in certain artworks from the neo sets. One of the cards I remember looking at and loving the most was the neo discovery smeargle and the wear on the card now shows I probably looked at it a lot as a kid. It is now in a well deserved sleeve. I may replace it in my binder for a cleaner copy, but the original will go in a nice top loader. Id love to see any of your guys’ memorable and nostalgic beat up cards from your childhood!


I have exactly 0 cards from my childhood :sob:

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Here is my very well loved base Ninetales. Was and still is my favourite base set card. I had two when I was a kid, but unfortunately don’t know where the other one has gone.

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Always sad to hear about a long lost childhood collection

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