Snap Card or not ?

Hi ,

Is this an existing SNAP card ?. It’s on the advertising page but it’s not one of the 10 price winners.
So is this one ever printed or just fake.

no, sorry to say, it is not. Just a standard black star promo. You can get one for like $10 lol. There is a pikachu snap winner card, however; the one with his a closeup of his goofyass face.

Did you see this on Yahoo! Japan? I saw this card listed there and thought it was an insane price, but the only print of this card I’ve seen is in English. I was wondering if maybe the Japanese version was rarer.

nah, it’s not much rarer than the English. You can get it on pokeorder right now

Snap looks like this


It’s not the black star promo !. It has the SNAP icon. Advertise attached.

So fake or not ?

real, released through a magazine, reverse google image search is your friend


Thanks for the info.

Is the value of $10.00 - $15.00 the current market price?

Ebay sold listings is also your friend :wink:


Yep $10-15 is bang on. I have two of these and sold one for that price. Neither were mint (they have the stupid edge wear from peeled products, as this was on one of those unpeeled card sheets). Cool card nonetheless.