Snap Pikachu Yahoo Auction.

This is the first time in more than 10 years I believe that this card is on public auction. Never thought I’d see the day. From the surface gloss and the color, this card looks authentic. Just the centering alone suggests that this is an authentic Snap card.

I have no doubt that this will sell, but how much is the real question. Good luck to those bidding!

EDIT: Just saw that this is a new and zero feedback seller. The card is authentic, whether or not the seller has the card, can’t be sure.


If this is the real deal, we’re looking at an easy $30,000 - $40,000. For a card this elusive however, it doesn’t help that the seller is a 0 feedback user. This has implications for both authenticity and buyer trust. And before I forget … @quuador !!!

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If it’s real, imagine storing it in a regular binder, unsleeved, scraped against a card on the back

Yup, just your casual average pikachu snap stored unsleeved against the back of another card in a binder sleeve next to your standard holo dark dugtrio haha. If that’s real then that’s some wild stufffff

Oh dang!.. :face_with_spiral_eyes: Thanks for the tag @melchior . Unfortunately I’m too poor at this point in time to even start bidding, even if it’s a legit copy. I’m also not sure how I would feel about buying through a middleman service for an ungraded/authenticated card from a 0 feedback seller; not sure how others feel about that?

I was afraid something like this might happen. A SNAP Pikachu popping up, and all I can do is watch as the price goes (most likely) up and it sells for a price I most likely don’t even have on my savings account in total right now… If it’s legit I think we could indeed see a 30-35k price; but it being a 0 feedback seller, ungraded, and in just a regular binder doesn’t really help for people to create a bid-war for it I assume. If pkonno would have been the seller I think it could end up higher. Still, I’m very curious where this is going, and although I kinda hate it popping up when I know I can’t afford it at all, at the same time it’s cool to see one finally pop up again for sale after (a.f.a.i.k.) the last one sold (privately) in 2005 for 8.5k USD (I’m sure some more might have switched hands privately, but without my knowledge at least).


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Hmm, the auction has been taken down already? :confounded: Maybe someone made them a private bid… And here I was curious to see what it would sell for… :sob:


Get that trash out of here

This might have been a blessing in disguise for me, if both the seller and card, turn out to be legit! Since i didn’t win the illustrator, i can now use those funds to bid on this card :blush:

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And it’s been cancelled by the seller…


Do you think YJ pulled the auction, like when it happened with the illustrator?

Seller has not been suspended, so it was pulled by the seller.

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Since I saw the Illustrator card in a binder, I’m not surprised anymore. :grin: