Hey there I wanted to show everybody my collection and to start it off here is my latest set I completed which is the extremely awesome and mysterious No Rarity Mark Japanese Base Set! This set took the longest to piece together and most of the cards are pretty far from mint but there are a couple that are close! (Possible PSA 9?!) Just to find these cards is somewhat rare though so I am happy to have completed the set. Very Nostalgic!! I have about 10 or more sets I will get to sharing here pretty soon too so keep checking back and feel free to ask any questions or make some weird comments, lets keep this interesting! Haha anyway here we go! P.S. Don’t mind my foot in the pics….lol
Start it off with the special binder I bought for em (Love these colors)
The starters! (Looking for a better condition zardio but glad to have found one) Bulbasaur was the very first card I got that was a no rarity card and I had barely any knowledge of these cards until I won the saur on auction for like $2 and was like hmmm I better look more into these cards and then the hunt was on
Gyarados was my first holo I obtained for this set! It was a very exciting day
The rare trainers were probably the hardest to hunt down! most are in really good condition too
There ya go here is the start to my collection! Never shared before so it’s exciting to show you all and see what you all think!
Now on to my favorite set so far just because of the amazing artwork and the unique holo patterns. I love the delta series types and how they are all different and also the story behind them but anyway here is the set O and also I’m looking for a 1st edition Gold star Gyarados to complete this set and the 2 trainers that are unlimited I would love to get in 1st edition so let me know if you have any of them please n thank you!
Here is another one of my treasured binders!
Still working on completing the Holon research tower set so will update that once I find some of those cards or maybe just show what I have so far if you guys are interested and then you could all help me complete it if you have any of the cards I’m missing!
Here is the E Series Starter Deck Set. Again such amazing artwork which is what interested me the most to collect these guys
That saur and mander! so beautiful
That bay is so majestic!
Cyndaquil is setting the roof on fire! lol
The other trainers and cards that were included in the decks I added to my E series base set which I am close to completing!
MOTHER OF GOD SELL ME THE NO RARITANS!!! =D kidding, but serial.
Give me your collection.
PM me the back of blastoise! =D
I have a gem mint 1st ed gyarados gold star and id trade it for no rarity blastoise if its mint 9 condishies… probably
This makes me want to take photobz of some of my no raritan!!! But I havnt got a beautiful binder to display them in since there all in cardsavers ready for psa! They look so much better in a binder, especially that one. I hope i can get a sealed condition binder of that exact binder one day.
@pokemonsyndicate that is a very tempting offer but as of now I am keeping the collection together just because finding blastoise was super tough! and its one of my favs I appreciate the offer though and will let you know if anything changes. And yea that binder is so amazing! I won it sealed and considered not opening it but I was like it has to be filled with awesome rare cards! And I would love to see some more of the awesome cards you have so share them up! wooo!
Alright on to the next set that is behind the no rarity set and finishes the colorful binder is the Flight of Legends / FireRed LeafGreen Set. What I like about this set is that It was new to me as I was already out of collecting in my younger days when this came out so I never knew about this set until just recently when I got back into collecting. I love how it is the original generation pokemon but with the new card border and new moves.
Again the art is just amazing across all of the cards
Sorry looks like there is some dogger hair in my binder
look at that majestic karp
I can never tell in pictures that slowbro is a holo
Here is my custom binder which features all of the gym deck cards which are NO RARITY SUPER RARE! just kidding I just see on ebay the gym cards being labeled as no rarity due to…well…lack of a rarity mark so it makes sense but still… lol anyway on to the cards!
that onix looks like its flying through space! love it haha
some intense pikas
TONS of energy cards lol but the exclusive sugimori artwork is pretty cool! part 2 coming next
the gastly haunter gengar trio are 3 of the cards that got me back into collecting after seeing scans of them online, I would love to get a tattoo of their artwork all rendered together some day
That charmander is one of my top fav cards, i have like 5 of them
There ya go! I have tons more pictures to add of the next sets so keep checking back cause I will be updating this every chance I get!
Now it’s E=Series Time! I’m sharing the 2nd and 3rd set first as they are the only ones I have completed and are organized where as the other ones are all over the place still. I will probably say this about every set but THE ARTWORK! I love it and the themes for the e series cards are awesome how the flow through the set. I’ll start it off with the binder which I had laying around from years ago and put some pokemon stuff on it to jazz it up a bit.
That grimer is funny idk just the way it looks lol
the arcanine non holo has some awesome designs in the background!
Besides houndoom and golduck this is the happy page!
this page is a little more gloomy besides electrodes awkward smile…lol
Hypno using dream eater I think…pretty cool
hitmonchan working hard! donphan looking like a giant destroying the city
really awesome trainer cards for this set!
All the cards are Mint too so I’m really happy with this set hope you enjoy it as well
I really enjoyed looking through this collection. And your personal annotations for each page were fun to read. I eventually started to look forward to your commentary as much as I did the next page!
As the (self-proclaimed) King of No-Rarity Cards, I offer you my heartfelt congratulations!
You have completed your task by completing the set, and are thereby invited to pass through the gates to my regal dominion. Tonight, we shall celebrate!
@pokemonsyndicate, be an obedient servant and go fetch our guest some Poke-wine!
Hold on … I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but at least a couple of your Trainers are not Base no-rarity cards. Rather, they are from the Quick Starter set, which featured some otherwise-identical cards but with different text.
Edit: I just checked all of the ones in your pictures. The only Quick Starter Trainers in your set are the Pokemon Trader and the Gust of Wind cards. All your others look to be the Base no-rarity cards.
@japanime Really?! I guess I wasn’t aware that there were 2 versions of cards! Good to know though. I actually have multiples of both of those cards so I’ll have to upload pictures of them and have you guys see if they are indeed the no rarity base set ones or the quick starter cards.
Okay so this gust of wind has different text and I believe it is the base set one
As for the pokemon trader they both have the same text so those cards must be the quick starter set cards so that is the last card I need now! If anyone has one let me know and I’ll gladly buy it from you Or trade, I have a NM Lass trainer no rarity card I would trade