Hello everyone. Cards were stolen from my safe.
Long story short:
I moved the safe to my storage unit while a plumbing project was going on in my place. I believe I know who might have taken it, they were pros. I saw who they were and I can identify them. The cameras were conveniently down at the facility during the theft. There are police involved and an investigation underway. Here are the recognizable cards and I’ll add to the list as I go. Please keep your eyes open if something gets listed somewhere and bring it to my attention.
Stolen items:
Holo Shift Electrode CGC 7 Error CERT #3789173003
Ho-Oh Neo Revelation unlimited Holo Italian- This card has a minor shift and is recognizeable. BGS 9.5 Gold label with sub grades- CERT# 0016565093
Square cuts-
Pokémon Neo Discovery HOUNDOUR Holo Square Cut BGS 8 CERT #0014420697
1999 Pokemon Italian Base Set Square Cut Holo Alakazam #1 BGS 9 MINT - CERT #0014398281
Pokémon Base Set GYARADOS Italian Holo Square Cut BGS 7.5 CERT# 0014420822
Neo Discovery Forretress Holo Square cut BGS 9-CERT #0014420660
Ungraded Parasect jungle uncommon square cut
Ungraded Neo Genesis Slowking Holo square cut
1999 Pokemon base set Holo unlimited error 1 square corner CGC 2.5 CERT #3792185091
TCA Gaming collection square cuts:
Pokemon Energy Ark Neo Discovery Unlimited SQUARE CUT Error #75 CGC 9 Mint CERT #4256072270
Pokemon Spinarak Neo Discovery Unlimited SQUARE CUT Error #64 CGC 9 Mint CERT #4256072268
Pokemon Caterpie Neo Discovery Unlimited SQUARE CUT Error #53 CGC 8.5 CERT #4256072265
Pokemon Ninetales Base Set Unlimited Holo Rare SQUARE CUT ERROR #12 CGC 7 CERT #4256072112
Jungle square cuts:
1999 Pokemon WOTC Jungle Primeape Square Cut Error Card BGS 7 NM CERT #0015524905
1999 Pokemon WOTC Jungle Dodrio Square Cut Error Card BGS 7 NM- CERT #0015524903
1999 Pokemon WOTC Jungle Exeggutor Square Cut Error Card BGS 7.5 NM- CERT #0015524890
1997 Pokemon Japanese Rocket Holo Dark Charizard Dr. Sameji AUTO DNA 10 PSA AUTH- CERT #75539521
2002 Pokemon German Neo Destiny Shining Charizard #107 CGC 6.5 EXMT+CERT #0015391864
2002 Pokemon Italian Neo Destiny 1st Edition Shining Charizard #107 CGC 6.5-
2002 Pokemon Italian Neo Destiny Italian Shining Charizard #107 CGC 5 - CERT #1401011332004
1999 Pokemon Base set Minor Miscut error CGC 1.5 CERT #1401008238055
1999 Pokemon Base set black dot error/incomplete holo error CGC 7.5 CERT #4319603001
2003 Pokemon Skyridge German Charizard Holo BGS 8.5 with sub grades- CERT #0015391864
Diglett Fight symbol error PSA 10 - CERT #43691170
Diglett PSA 10 Korean unlimited CERT#49124246
Pokemon Base set 2 player theme deck Chinese-
Pokemon Articuno Fossil 1st edition Dutch Holo PSA 9 CERT #72183126
Pokemon 1999 Portuguese 1st edition fossil holo CGC 7 Near mint CERT #4319603006
Pokemon 1999 Italian Fossil unlimited holo CGC 8 Nm/Mint CERT #4319603007
2000 Pokemon Japanese Neo 3 Shining Gyarados holo PSA 7- CERT # 67406690
Pokémon TCG Shining Gyarados Neo Revelation 65/64 Double Holo Error PSA 8- CERT #85302749
Pokémon TCG Shining Gyarados Neo Revelation 65/64 Holo bleed Error PSA 9- CERT #83624747
2000 Pokemon German Black Star Promo Pikachu #1 PSA 9 MINT Pop 1 of 1 CERT #72669026
Italian Pichu Reverse holo black star promo CGC 8.5 CERT #1401011332002
Pokemon Pikachu Italian Jungle unlimited W stamp promo CERT# 1401011332001
2000 Pokemon black star Michael Haigney Psyduck promo autographed PSA 10/ AUTO AUTH CERT #74854278
1999 Pokemon Fossil 1st Edition Prerelease Cosmos Holo Aerodactyl #1 PSA 9 MINT CERT #55467464
2000 Pokemon German Fossil Prerelease Holo Aerodactyl #1 CGC 8.5 NM-MT+ CERT #4149756265
2000 Pokemon Italian Fossil Prerelease Aerodactyl #1 CGC 9 MINT CERT #4149756264
1999 Pokemon Fossil 1st Edition Prerelease Cosmos Holo Aerodactyl #1 PSA 6 MISCUT ERROR CERT #58913282
1999 Pokemon Japanese Movie Promo Nintedo Error Ancient Mew CGC 9 MINT CERT #3791904053
1999 Pokemon Japanese Movie Promo Version I Ancient Mew CGC 8 NM-MT CERT #3791904054
Special delivery charizard sealed
Pokemon TV Series 1 Booster pack sealed in acrylic case with Pokemon logo etched on front