Hi Guy’s I’m coming here for advice, using a tracker for your collection can anyone add to this list please I’m not sure if it covers enough variants? Shadowless will only be used on Base and the rest will be used for every set after including Additional, I also need to keep this as minimal but as useful as possible.
Or take away from it Shadowless is for 1 set and I don’t really need Unlimited do i, you’d assume if the 1st Edition wasn’t selected then it would be Unlimited?
Thank you Thymeee, to be honest the list could be huge but I really need to keep it as minimal and as functional as possible if that makes sense each variant I add takes up a big chunk of space on the tracker so for me it’s the big ones like Holo/Non-Holo and such I think I might be close but I really need to nail it down because the result of this is going to lead to hours of work that I really don’t want to do again if I think of another one to add
Not sure what era you are collecting until but most current sets will only have the normal version and the reverse holo.
The additional, if you want to call it that, I suppose can be called Promo - but certain cards get more than 1 promo. By that I mean the many cards that get cosmos holofoil, but are also part of some other set like McDonald’s or Halloween or whatever - but maybe you’d sort them into their own set.
So then it’d just be those additional cards in boxes and the non-holo holos that come in the Build & Battle sometimes.
We use a designator “Stamped” for cards with stamps. Though many are technically promo cards, promo cards are often known for the black star designator. I also personally feel that the whole “Reverse Holo” designator for older stamped cards downplays their significance. There are many stamped cards which are not promo cards but are instead part of limited edition sets (holiday sets and the like). This is a unique thing we do and frankly I have no idea if it’s something the general community thinks about, but it’s a possible option for your list.
Hey Wayne that’s a good one while inputting my own cards I came across a few like this but made use of the additional column for cards like that, but I think “stamped” might be worth adding thanks for that
Are you going for minimalism or comprehensiveness? If the former, then there’s a lot you can cut; you don’t actually need that much information to identify unique variants. I personally sort cards by release / distribution, with two columns for the two “standard” set printings (1st Edition & Unlimited / Regular & Reverse Holo). Here’s two examples from my Yuka Morii spreadsheet;