Team Rocket 1ED WOTC packs - are these fake?

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received genuine goods or faux fabrications, YAY!

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Three 1st Edition Team Rocket Packs

Sealed Giovanni Theme Deck

If you believe any of the items pictured here to be anything less than PSA 11 genuine please text FAKE to 555-555-5555


Dude, these are 100000% legit. I have the same team rocket first edition pack. I got it from my friend’s dad’s uncle’s neighbor who works at Wizards of the Coast.


yea, I was worried that these came from your uncle who works for smash bros

Anyone know what the shrinkwrap on the giovanni deck should look like?

Nothing stands out to me on the pack or deck as being fake.

that’s heartening to hear. The extreme tone shifting on the packs has got me worried

Wait are people being serious about not seeing anything wrong with these?

the packs are fake and the deck has non standard shrinkwrap which means likely reseal.


I thought people were being sarcastic. Definitely fake packs.


Thanks friends, will try to get a refund on these.

Late to the party but two things I immediately saw were the top/bot crimps and the blurriness of the font (outlines and colors). Here’s a legitimate pack:

For the deck I would defer to @lyleberr

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Thanks for the tag @rtas

Wrap on decks was not “shrink” type plastic but a plastic wrap with a pull tab and folded edges on top and bottom, generally an overlap seam on the back or side.

This deck box has been resealed at some point, this has no bearing on the inner contents that may or may not be untampered or altered at some point.

Here is an example i found online of what the seam should look like.


Wait, I thought this whole post was satire lol. I guess I have to be more subtle when I’m being sarcastic :upside_down_face:


Thank you for the knowledge lyleberr

I was fairly certain I had been scammed so I wrote a funny intro, your response makes sense in context. Grateful for the confirmation that these aren’t real