Possible English release?
Worth it?
They both are equipped with amazing artwork in my opinion. The whole thing altogether might display beautifully.
From a Team Rocket enthusiast standpoint it might be priceless,But what do you guys think?
Limited? If I remember the original release they are a pre-order item. So pretty much made-to-order, though they may make a few more to sell on the Pokemon Online store. I know I saw at least one made-to-order figure on the online store.
Possible English release? Hopefully not.
Worth it? Way overpriced, but hey I am buying one for myself.
I think the print run will be bigger than people expect but the cards will not be on the market in the quantity to reflect the print run. The joke in Japan about Japanese collectors is, they ask how much something is, say it’s expensive while pulling out their wallets, and they keep coming back.
Let’s be honest, that small case ins’t the reason it’s pricey. It is $120 because Pokemon has a license to print money and they wanted to make something cool for the 20th Anniversary, well many cool things.
I know it’s a rip off and a lot of people are thinking of passing, but really for cards it’s not that bad. I live in Japan so this is basically like buying 2 shaymin ex full arts and a deck box and sleeves. I just wish the had went for a more retro art style for the 278/XY-P card.
I think it will end up being a good purchase as the set will probably increase in value over time.