The adventures through the Corocoro comic book issues

Hello everyone,

So some may know me or not and seen or not my previous topic.

Since i collect many aspects of pokemon and not only TCG. I decided to make review for the different corocoro issues mostly the vintage issues 1996-2001.

My love for collecting pokemon stuff unrelated to TCG was always there.
I always loved collecting other stuff like the manga, guide books and such, graded and ungraded.

book guides are really cool and magazines too IMO specially those more unfimilar ones. Me growing up in israel, we barely had any pokemon magazines or game magazines in the country like nintendo power and such. and most magazines were boring with teenager subjects.

This i guess made me appreciate more the books/guides/magazines not to mention specially these days there are almost no game guides and such.

My Corocoro collection interest started when i first time saw one for sale in ebay (one of the older issues).

I saw these book magazines called corocoro which were only in japan. the magazines themselves are pretty thick and heavy. it usually has an appendix and some extra like stickers, pokemon TCG intact to the appendix and unpeeled which some of are very rare these days specially if you find the book with the card attached.

usually the first half of the book is filled with information on new stuff, new games, what games in japan are in what place that time, advertisments and such.

Corocoro started way back in the 80’s but ofc pokemon would not depict in it until 1996. unfourtently i will not go by order completely as i do not own all issues yet. so i will go by the first issue that i have first the earlierst.

so when i saw the corocoro comic i knew i had to start a collection, knew i had to preserve the information for myself and a lot of intresting artwork information and extras that you get from these magazines.

back then it was the only way to get some really rare unique cards including jumbo cards and cards that only people like @smpratte have these days from various contests.

at the start it was also the only way to get a legit mew or pokemon blue japanese which was to be subbed to the magazine and doing some extra steps.

I must say that some issues won’t have that much and not be that intresting while others will. I am also a horriable editor and i tend to sometime jump from subject to subject but will try my best.

so with the prelogue done lets get it going.

The first issue we are going to look at today is 15th april of 1996

this one just the second time that pokemon was mentioned in corocoro magazine.
we can see in a photo i took here on this page that pokemon was ranked 5th at the time of the magazine as pokemon started to pick up more motion and steam.

First Place: Super Mario RPG
Second Place: Dragon Quest VI
Third Place: Super Donkey Kong 2 (Donkey Kong Country 2)
Fourth Place: Rockman X3 (Mega Man X3)
Fifth Place: Pocket Monsters
Sixth Place: Super Momotarou Dentetsu DX
Seventh Place: Virtua Fighter
Eighth Place: Derby Stallion 96
Ninth Place: Bahamut Lagoon
Tenth Place: Kirby’s Block Ball

The text beneath the ranks there says “Which one do you want, Red or Green?” It then stated that the game received 2,509 votes that month.

The big story in this issue, however, was the official reveal of the mirage pokemon Mew. In the January 2016 issue of Switch. series producer Ishihara Tsunekazu was asked when he realized that Pocket Monsters was actually becoming a big hit. He talks about the games causing a shortage of Game Boy Link Cables for a minute before going on to talk about Mew: “In addition, there were all these rumors that were spreading but only through word-of-mouth. But then once media outlets like CoroCoro Comics started writing about them then everybody started to talk about how there seems to be a mythical pokemon named Mew. That moment, when these urban legends started to spread more and more, is when we realized that it had become a hit.”

Also in this issue, we can see the information firstly received first time about how to get mew back then.

So the text is writen over two pages and says “We’re giving away the 151st pokemon in Pocket Monsters!” Here’s what the rest of the text on that first page says:
Purple arrow: Its name is Mew!!
In reality, this pokemon is the newest species of pokemon recently discovered by Ohkido Hakase. And you won’t believe this, but you CoroCoro Comics readers out there will be able to get your hands on one!

The green text bubble beside Ohkido Hakase:
“I’m also shocked! To find out that a monster like this exists is a huge discovery. But even if you get really excited and search your own game cart for one you won’t be able to find it. Oh, what’s that? You want one for yourself? Well, I’ll give one out only to you CoroCoro Comics readers!”

The purple text under Mew:
Mew’s Profile
Name: Mew, Species: New Kind of Pokemon
This is an extinct pokemon. It has a high intelligence and can remember anything.

Yellow box at the bottom:
What’s that!? This mythical pokemon will be given away to 20 lucky CoroCoro readers!!

The top half of the second page says that it’s impossible to capture Mew but “hey, here are three pokemon that you can capture that can be kind of tricky! Those three are Kabigon, Strike, and Lucky.”

The bottom half explains how you can enter the Mew contest :

Those of you who want the mythical 151st pokemon Mew should write the following on a postcard

1 Address 2 Name 3 What grade you’re in 4 Telephone Number 5 The name of your favorite pokemon and why 6 The name of your least favorite pokemon and why and then send it to the address on the left. Twenty lucky winners will receive a Mew of their very own! The application deadline is May 4th and the winners will be announced in the July issue of this magazine. Winners will be sent detailed instructions on how to send their game carts to Ohkido Hakase.

That is it for this time feel free to comment and the next issue may be next friday I guess.
Have a good day.


Great read! So awesome that you have these . I have seen this edition but have never really known what was being written. It is really interesting to read now.


thank you. google translate and other are great friends using on these pages :smiley:

Very cool, Japan always seems to get the best pokemon related events, even from the very beginning!

Thank you!

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Well…they are kinda…biased? LOL ofc they will envy them really ofc they will have the special things being it originated from there. why does nothing cool can be originated from israel ? :stuck_out_tongue:

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It’s hard to understate how important the Mew release was to the popularity of the game in Japan


this my friends here this sir is absolutly right. you see, as you saw in the issue i show cased pokemon was only ranked 5th. pokemon released red and green was NOT a success to say the least. but when people in japan heard a “maboroshi pokemon” which is an illusionary like pokemon everyone went nuts and as you saw the first way to aquire it was corocoro. the important and the bond between pokemon and corocoro is historic even to the TCG.

anyway when people learned of mew in outside of japan rumors started as we as children thought if something like mew is really real then maybe pikablu or flareth ?
intresting read on the history of the “pokegods” for those of you who weren’t in that era or were and still want a good read : RAGECANDYBAR - The Pokegods: Secrets and Rumors


Hello guys and happy friday to all.

This month we will look at the corocoro issue of september 1996


As time past by, the september 1996 issue of CoroCoro Comic came out, Pocket Monsters Red and Green had been out for about six months. we can look and see how pokemon did in ranking :

1st: Super Mario 64

2nd: Super Bomberman 4

3rd : Hoshi no Kirby Deluxe (Kirby Super Star)

4th: Pocket Monsters

5th: Derby Stallion 96

6th : Place Nights

7th : Excite Stage '96

8th : Rockman X3 (Mega Man X3)

9th : PoPoLoCrois Monogatari

10th : Treasure Hunter G

The text under Pocket Monsters’ entry this time “It seems like you’ll be able to trade your monsters to Pokemon 2!” Pokemon 2 also makes it to Number 2 in the list of “most anticipated games” at the bottom of the page with a total of 3,541 votes

The first full section for Pocket Monsters is this two-page spread talking about the brand new Trading Card Game due to come out in late October. CoroCoro refers to the game as Pokemon Card.

what it says in page 150 Five Exclusive News Flashes for Pokemon Card!!

The popular Game Boy game Pocket Monsters is becoming a card game. You must be looking forward to seeing what kind of game it’ll be. This month we’re going to introduce you to some really interesting cards!!

  1. The pokemon can battle each other!!

You can battle your friends in Pokemon Card just like you can in the Pocket Monsters Game Boy games. Defeat your opponents by using pokemon with a variety of attacks and skills!! Use each pocket monster’s unique attributes to decide which cards you should play!!

  1. There are lots of different powers!!

There are non-attack cards in Pokemon Card that are able to damage your opponent as well. There are a lot of powers and techniques but if you have a good balance of cards then you’ll be able to win easily.

Picture Caption: Some pokemon can change their weaknesses at will. This is the man-made CG pokemon “Porygon.”

Orange Box at the bottom: “Pocket Monsters Card Game”

Maker: Creatures, Distributor: Media Factory. On-sale in late October. 102 different cards altogether. One set includes 60 cards. price UNDECIDED. Expansion packs will have ten cards each. price UNDECIDED.

  1. Pokemon Cards Evolve!!

Pokemon can level up and evolve into strong pokemon just like they do in the Game Boy games. To do this you have to place the appropriate evolution cards on top of the original. Your pokemon gains new powers every time it evolves and is a great way to power up weaker creatures.

Pikachu grows in two stages!

Pikachu: It uses electricity to shock its opponents. It’s not all that strong.

Evolution 1

Raichu: It battles with speedy and powerful electric attacks!

Fushigidane grows in three stages!

Fushigidane: It’s a capable fighter who heals itself whenever it attacks.

Evolution 1

Fushigisou: We know that the flower bud on its back is still growing.

Evolution 2

Fushigibana: It’s HP shoots way up and it becomes invincible. Its attack power is also high.

  1. It’ll feature all-new artwork

Twenty different illustrations that you can’t see in the Game Boy games will appear in the card game. It’ll be fun to see a side of the pokemon you didn’t notice in the games and to see the kinds of places they live. You can, of course, use these cards as Monster Cards.

  1. Trainer Cards are super useful!

These are cards that can help you in battle. Use them well to help turn the tables of the match.

Dousing Machine: Lets you bring back one card that’s already been discarded.

Pokemon Zukan: Lets you heal pokemon who have received damage.

Computer Search: Lets you add one of your favorite cards.

Pippi Doll: Can be used as a Pokemon Card.

Energy Retrieval: Lets you bring back two cards that you’ve already used up.

Energy Removal: Lets you remove your opponents’ energy cards.

And at the bottom of the page is a short blurb advertising Anakubo Kousaku’s Pocket Monsters manga despite it have absolutely nothing to do with the TCG.

The very next page moves away from trading cards to talk about stickers. There’s also a giveaway for a pokemon notebook at the bottom of the page.

After that is the “first” chapter of Anakubo Kousaku’s Pocket Monsters manga


the manga had already been running in CoroCoro Special for a number of months by this point under the title “The Strange Pokemon Pippi” This chapter, however, is the CoroCoro Comics debut of the manga and, as you can see, it receives a full-color title page.

At the end of the manga chapter is this two-page “Pockemon Club” section that catches readers up to speed on the plot-less manga they just read. Notice how they use the older “pockemon” romanization that, if you really think about it, makes more sense ? They also misspell Pikachu name, something that would be absolutely unheard of today.

And that is all for this friday :slight_smile:


Hello guys how you doing ? hope you have a great weekend or start of new week (for me). im not gone or something. didnt made a new issue this friday as was under the weather quite a bit. the close friday i will upload as usual.


so sorry few of you who waited for this issue i had to unfourtently work thursday 12:00 in noone until today (friday) 9:30 morning which means 21 hours. i will try to get the next issue out tomorrow but if not, i’ll get it done for you guys in sunday :slight_smile:

Hello guys,

thank you for bearing with me.

Today we will review the october 1996 issue of corocoro magazine regarding pokemon.


so regarding this issue the first thing that we can see is a build yourself station kind of thing featuring a “lets go” and “pocket monsters”.

you will see that the pokemon they use to advertise the franchise for this particular set are Lizardon, Arbo, Eevee, Seadra, and Mew. very random and I really dont know what made them choose those. especially arbok and seadra dont seem to be very fan favourite.

Our next thing is these pages featuring the TCG which mentions a release date now for it which is 20th october 1996.

An Exclusive Scoop on the “Pocket Monsters” Card Game!

An Introduction to the Game System of the Pokemon Card Game!!

We’re going to explain to you how to play this new card game that has a different flavor to it from the Game Boy games. We’re also going to reveal some of the card types ahead of the game’s release!

The Pokemon Card Game is a battle game!

Let’s beat your opponents’ monsters one by one by skillfully using various monsters’ and attack items!

  1. Your Deck
    You place 60 of your cards in a pile face-down and then draw them one by one. Your deck is the heart of your match.

  2. Prize Card
    Place six of your cards face-down. You can take one card whenever you defeat one of your opponent’s pokemon and the player who draws all their prize cards first is the winner.

  3. Active Pokemon
    The pokemon / item that’s actually battling at any given moment. In other words, it’s the game’s main character. The battle begins when you attach Energy Cards to it!

Even during battle you’re able to use Energy Cards to have your pokemon trade places with one of the pokemon waiting off on the bench!

  1. Bench
    This is where pokemon who are able to fight wait their turn. You can also attach Energy Cards to the pokemon while they’re on the bench. You can see what pokemon your opponent has on his or her bench and plan your strategy accordingly.

  2. Hand
    The cards you draw from your deck become your Hand. You don’t have to show these cards to your opponent so make that a part of your strategy as well.

And here’s the text in the green-ish box that features the Pikachu and Orchid-Hakase cards

Use Pokemon Cards to Battle!

The first wave will have 102 cards in all. There are a lot of different pokemon so do your best to figure out each one’s abilities. Which pokemon will be your favorite?

It’s a pokemon who specializes in Electric attacks just like in the manga.

ohkido hakase
This powerful card lets you swap out all the cards in your Hand

Did you guys notice how they said “like in the manga”? that is because back then pocket monsters manga with pipi was the mascot.

Also the orange long paper says :
Pokemon Glossary
Pocket Monsters!
Monsters who live in places like mountains and forests. You can capture them with Monster Balls.

Ohkido hakase!
The pokemon authority. He asks you to complete his Pokemon Bestiary.

Sometimes a pokemon battles and grows into an even stronger pokemon

Next up is the monthly Tokoton Ranking! This month Pokemon moves up a spot to Number Three :

  1. Super Mario 64
  2. Super Bomberman 4
  3. Pocket Monsters
  4. Hoshi no Kirby Deluxe (Kirby Super Star)
  5. Dragon Quest VI
  6. Derby Stallion 96
  7. Saturn Bomberman
  8. Tobal No. 1
  9. Street Fighter Zero 2

The text for Pocket Monsters this month says “There will be over 200 pokemon in Pokemon 2!”

Pocket Monsters 2 also retained its Number Two spot in the list of “Most Anticipated Games” with 3,866 votes.

The franchise’s next appearance in the magazine came in these two ads. The one on the left is an ad for the next month’s issue of CoroCoro and features a giant pair of women’s breasts, nipples and all. The 90s sure were a different time, huh? The ad on the right is for some gashapon toys

Next up are some more ads; the one on the left is for the next issue of the now-defunct Famitsu Bros magazine while the one on the right’s an advertisement for next month’s CoroCoro that tells us that the next issue will come with an exclusive Pikachu and Pippi TCG card.

Once we get to page 500 or so we’re given a page explaining how to put together the stationary kit that was at the front of the magazine. You can use the cardboard pieces to play a board game and also they double as stencils?

After that is an ad for the next month’s CoroCoro because apparently they like having half the magazine be ads for the next issue for some reason. This ad is pretty much exclusively pointing out all the pokemon-related extras that’ll come packaged with the next issue: there’s the aforementioned Pikachu and Pippi TCG cards, a “Pokemon Card Game Pre-Sale Victory Manual,” information about the second wave of Pokemon-themed Batomen, information about a new Pokemon battle pencil game, and an exclusive report on the upcoming Pokemon Cardass stickers.

and also information on the upcoming Pocket Monsters Blue version, the newest game in the series being released to celebrate Red & Green selling over a million copies! From what I can tell this ad right here is the very first mention of this game anywhere in this magazine which is really weird way to announce the first new game in a white-hot series like Pocket Monsters.

Next up is the chapter of Anakubo Kousaku’s Pocket Monsters manga that would eventually release as the fifth chapter of the first volume, “Search for the Mythical Pokemon Mew.”

That is all I have for this time and i hope you guys will enjoy the read.
hopefully next friday no break like last week for the next issue.

Hope you all have great weekend.


hey guys,
another issue coming up today later on…


Good weekend guys and girls.
today i would like to talk about the november 1996 issue of corocoro.

This book actually is the one that got me into collecting them. Something about the book the magic and simplicity you will see of back then.
so this is the cover for the issue

this is the issue that brought japan the exclusive then pokemon blue japanese.
only for those subbed to corocoro magazine.
improved graphics and fixing some major glithces (not nearly enough eh? lol).

we see her example of some of the improved graphics side by side from pokemon japanese red/green and japanese blue.

many think that green was so special since it didn’t come to the west. the truth is, japanese blue is the really odd bird and there is a lot of misinformation.

for example japanese blue had some great ingame trades not available in any other version japanese or english.

also lickitung and jynx are available in the wild there.

after that we ar given explanation that we need to fill the form that came with the corocoroc magazine’s issue mail it and get the pokemon blue japanese version

love that kids photo mailing it in the mail box.

and finally we can see some “tazos” pokemon game well thats how they call it in my country.

also the card game starts going strong and they show case some of the cards

it is also the FIRST corocoro issue that came with exclusive cards to that magazine but in unforutently dont have these unpeeled (i do have some issues with the cards still intact but not this one) pikachu ad jiggly

and those are the main things for this issue and i hope you guys enjoyed until next time :slight_smile:


Another great article! I am really enjoying these. The pictured wtr great


thank you. im surprised there are even people intrested. the photos though ? im such a horrible horrible at taking photos :rofl:

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i’m sorry there wasn’t anything this friday. I’m kinda (not kinda, really) on a job crisis now so it takes all my energy. hopefully closest friday on the 20th i will be able to get one more issue out


Amazing job putting it all together and providing details and fun facts. It would be cool
for myself to buy every volume of CoroCoro but that would be expensive. Thanks for sharing!

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well if you dont want all the appendixes they can be 40-50$ for some of the issues. also the more expensive ones still dont get to prices of some of the graded cards.

the most expensive corocoro issue is the one with the pokemon karuta (type in ebay you will see some). which is usually 12k. but there are some also for 400$
120$ it really varies depending on if the addons that come with the issue are there or not and the overall condition of the book.

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This series is awesome. It’s great to be able to see the pages and have them sort of translated, as the art can seem so wild that you’re really left clueless without some Japanese ability.

Hope to add some of these in the future, but until then will happily look at them through these posts. Thanks!


i dont know japanese as well but i do get help from google translate and a friend in japan so it does help. the art is crazy and all over the place i love it.