This thread is for late night activities that you did instead of sleeping. In-which reasons can be due to being caught up on things or just plainly couldn’t sleep vibes.
I will start:
Woke up this morning around 3:00am and found myself restless. I decided I wasn’t going anywhere with trying to get back to sleep so I decided to put together a Pokemon Valuation Model until I could go to sleep.
I woke up and jumped on Excel since I wanted to do some heavy researching into what Pokemon Japanese sealed boxes where undervalued and overlooked in this market. I decided to limit my research into aspects of:
-Set Number (CP3)
-Era it was released in
-When the set Released
-What type of Set it was (High Class Set, Set List, or Special Set)
-The # of Secrets in the Set
-Market Availability Value (MAV) The average of Available Ready-to-Buy (RTB) boxes on Ebay currently
-Last Realized Auction Price (last 6 months)
-Lowest Price Availability (LPA) The lowest priced sealed box RTB
-A hyper-link of each result taking it less time in the future to look up current supply on the market
Along with these characteristics of data, I wanted to do some calculations with these values to Show me through the data on what is a good undervalued box. I decided to narrow it down from the Late Black & White EX Battle Boost to the Newest set VStar Universe Japanese set.
I worked on this spreadsheet model for about 4-5 hours until I was satisfied from the result. Then at about 9am I fell asleep :]. Mission Accomplished
Unfortunately since this is very supply oriented and time-sensitive data, I am unable to release this spreadsheet :[ …sorry.
In the future I could have a way people can buy my models to use for their own researching purposes. If that is you, PM me.
Some interesting conclusions I can share:
I didn’t realize how many secrets there were in each box and how Vstar Universe (90) really didn’t have as many Secrets as did Vmax Climax (100+) and Shiny GX (100+). Now obviously this doesn’t mean much since it would take a bunch more time to collect all those secrets, but it is an interesting data point.
Also that “CP” (XY Era) and “SMP” (Sun & Moon Era) both are symbols for Mini Sets. This was true until the Sword & Shield Era where the Mini sets were put where ever they could fit such as S8A - 25th Anniversary Box, SI - Starter Deck 100, and S10B - Pokemon Go. My pattern oriented mind is furious lol.
An insight on what I have been trying to put together for a couple months: A way to quantify “The Fundamentals” by valuing each aspect of a given card, no matter the age, generation, card type, or language. I know personally I would benefit from something like this since I am sometimes “blinded” by my own love for the card that I don’t actually test the Fundamentals of that specific card.
An update in the future maybe
Anyway Rambling over,
What is something you did while staying up late at night within the world of Pokemon?