Last night I saw a Skyridge Box listed for $4300 from a reputable seller on eBay. The box looked 9/10 on condition but the pics weren’t clear enough for me to pull the trigger. I called the shop and left a message since they were on the West Coast and I was on the East.
I called again first thing when they opened and the guy said it was picked up by someone locally that morning. I hesitated and it cost me
If you want a real “one that got away”, I have some texts on an old phone of me asking a friend if I should buy a Skyridge booster box for $230 but deciding against it, maybe I should take pics haha.
The crazy thing is I called this dude weeks back and ask if he had anything older and he said no but he found this and few other stuff boxes hiding in a corner his shop is one of those shops where it’s a complete wreck mess everywhere
Box is in perfect condition