Hi boys and girls, :blush:

Like all of us, in the last few weeks I started thinking about the 25th anniversary set and could not help but recall the marvelous collaboration of Mario and Pokemon.

Then I thought to myself, what will be in the 25th anniversary, it must be related to Nintendo, they have so many amazing characters.

So I started going through all the “hits” of Nintendo and exploring what is possible for collaboration and came up with the overgrown and nervous famous monkey -donkey monkey.

Donkey Kong released by Nintendo in Japan on July 9, 1981, and July 31, 1981, in North America, and in Europe.

That means that this year, very close to the set of the 25th anniversary of Pokemon - we will celebrate 40 years of Donkey Kong! :open_mouth:

In addition, in the current and last generation we have got many types of monkey Pokemon that can provide a variety of characters.
like zaruda and Rillaboom.

And in general there are enough of them.

so…what do you think? It would not be cute to see Pikachu as Candy Kong?
let me know




Great article! It will be awesome to see that collaboration, and when we think about it, it sounds pretty logical something like that is in the way, I sure hope soo!
Thanks for sharing :pray:

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I find it strange that it has not been a zelda/pokemon yet


Any crossover, especially Nintendo universe would be welcomed by many collectors! Love to see it. Fingers crossed for this one!


Looking at how smash bros has gone, we’re gonna get a couple hundred fire emblem collab cards before anything else lmao

  • Feraligatr dressed up as King K Rool and lording over Sandile and Krokorok minions.
  • Aipom wearing Diddy’s cap and fighting Dogadon with peanut guns and a TNT barrel in his tail.
  • Machamp wrestling with Chunky.
  • Donkey and Lanky doing acrobatic exercises on the beach with Octillery and Grapploct.
  • Cranky smoking pipe together with Alakazam and Kadabra outside his lab.

Things like that might just turn me into a fan of crossovers. But I guess Pika Pika in Donkey onepiece is the extent of what could happen, sigh.


Oh my gosh. I’m too excited for this now…it has to happen! Pikachu dressed as donkey kong saving peach. Imagine, OH DAMN! :grin:

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