This is going on with thousands of people I’m sure...

This is the kind of hysteria that is being caused by social media. The poor guy thinks his Jungle Unlimited are 1st Edition Base lol. I’m telling you, people just wanna try and cash in. So many think they are sitting on lottery tickets that it’s actually quiet comical just like this video.

Guy cracks me up though…


I’d expect this from some small channel but didn’t think a 4 mil sub channel would rely on click bait like this


you’d be surprised

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Was looking over his channel. Dead channel alert :neutral_face:


Think he was acting? I thought he wasn’t lol. Tell his parents and everything lmao

There is definitely a lot of genuine ignorance in the video but he is definitely trying to be as hype as possible for views so he’s not going to make an effort to find the more realistic and much much lower actual prices. I’d say blissful ignorance. Im betting he looked up the most expensive prices and thought “its probably not actually this much but I’m not gonna say that in the video.”

Everything on McJuggerNuggets’ channel is acting. His entire channel is based around series. As a matter of fact, he had a renowned, award-winning series called “The Psycho Series” that ran from 2012 through 2016 and a whole lot of people (idiots) thought it was real.

If you watch his channel at all, he would know that he is playing a character in this video. Take everything he says with a grain of salt, at best.

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Well, I’ll be an idiot because he got me if that’s the case. Lol

Then again I’ve never heard of the guy or his channel.

But my point is, weather real or not, this is what’s going on (real life) in household after household all over the world and it’s really amazing what Pokémon and social media combined together has caused. Literally, a social hype train expecting to cash in those base cards lol.

Good or bad for the community?

For me, good and bad. It has made Pokémon even more popular than before.
It also raised all the damn prices lol

Nah you’re not an idiot for believing this is real. He’s good at what he does. But the series I was talking about was clearly not real with a whole bunch of plotholes and everything (which is to be expected when it runs for four years) and a lot of people believed it. He definitely did a great job concealing everything as best as he could, though.

As for your question, I don’t think it’s either good or bad for the community. It just is what it is. We have always had people digging through their old Pokemon cards and thinking their played condition Base Set Unlimited Pikachus were worth $1,000 over the past few years. This is nothing new. Maybe it’s hitting bigger YouTubers more than previously due to the Logan Paul video, but for the most part, I don’t think stuff like this affects the hobby all that much. Most of these people will just come and go.

This is the guy who used to upload videos of his dad destroying all of his video games I’m pretty sure lol. I would not believe his content to be anything more than satire at this point


Pretty rude to his girlfriend, Im glad i saw video saying they broke up.

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I think this is pretty widespread in general. I’ve seen 2 local listing on FB marketplace just today listing cards as “red cheeks pikachu 1st edition” and they’re just normal jungle pikachus (that happen to have the red cheek circles lol). Both people I messaged about it had no idea what a real red cheeks pikachu was or what sets the cards were even from. It seems a lot are watching youtube videos or something else and are trying to get rich by misrepresenting or taking a shot in the dark unfortunately. Hopefully people aren’t deceived by it.


Everything is worth thousands lol


What has our society become?:thinking:


I machoke’d on my drink as I watched this clown.

The guy has 4mil subs and has a video giving his mom 30k. Like why is someone soo bad on camera. So popular.

It’s fake lol. They didn’t actually break up.

Yup that’s him. Everything on his channel is either a series or some sort of satire. Like I said earlier in the thread: he is definitely playing a character in this Pokemon video.


People have no taste. Genuine interests are dwindling.

This man is a professional moron.