Just had this and wanted to hear others experience.
‘Hi, I’m really sorry to be this guy but im winning the auction for your nearly complete pokemon unlimited set and im sorry but I’ve changed my mind, is there any way you can remove or cancel the bid? Sorry again didn’t really think it through financially’
Although sounding completely ridiculous to me, its 24 hours till auction end, Retracting their bid would leave the auction with the next bidder down, does anyone know if they get notified that they are now the leading bidder? What if they no longer want it?
Removing a high bid close to end can have deterred the last few days of bidders. If I choose to end the auction now as I feel other interest may have been lost, do you get charged a final value fee for the amount?
I guess this is similar to shill bidding, at least if he won and didnt pay I can relist saying that was the reason why and be marked with an unpaid item flag. In this case I hope it does make others suspicious of the listing.
I personally would not allow this to happen so close to the end of the auction. If he wins, pays then returns it it’s going to be a toss up to whether or not he gets that refund.
The second highest bidder gets an email like below
If they’ve bid X amount you’d assume they’d want it for that amount regarding to the second highest bidder. I personally wouldn’t remove his bid and let the auction runs its course and see if anyone outbids him/her. There’s also the second chance option when the auction ends and the winner doesn’t pay for the other people who anticipated in the auction
This was my plan, however they have just managed to retract their bid without me doing it and the item has gone from 300 to 50, the 2nd highest bidders was 295 but the retracted bidder had taken them from 50 to 295.
I rarely do auctions so this is actually a first for me hence asking, seems pretty broken that a buyer can retract a bid if over 12 hours from end of auction.
Really messes things up and im sure makes existing bidders question the listing
Most people use sniping software anyway; it shouldn’t make a difference. I’ve had auctions that went up by more than a factor of 100 in the last 5 seconds.
Relative to the bid retraction request, it’s better to just honor it. It’s not worth the time and energy to deal with idiotic buyers on eBay. I just accept, block, and move on.
I’ve seen alot of sellers now realist their cards when they aren’t doing well with 24 hours to go. This actually becomes annoying as a bidder and I just block the sellers going forward for wasting my time.