Can anyone help me with a value on a sealed topps chrome 2 box? There are a few sold listings on packs which were an auction for 380 on a gengar art and another was binned immediately at 270. I have not been able to find any sealed box sales or listings.
It’s a hard one to price. Been on the fence about selling mine with the recent pack prices. For almost all booster boxes the general rule of thumb is that the box is worth more than the combined total of the packs individually inside by a bit. With packs around $250-350 that would be in the 7500-10500 range. The last box I know of that sold privately was for 6,000 but this is one of the most extinct boxes in Pokemon so its really hard to price.
That helps a lot! I was valuing it based off of the packs too since someone wants to trade me for my box. Since there were only two pack sales it was hard to pinpoint a price so the private sale is really good feedback!
With how rare your box is, if you’re going to do a trade I would definitely ask for over and above what you think your box is worth. Very hard to do an equal 1:1 trade on it.