Total Market Value of Gold Star PSA 9s

Hello, I don’t know how many people care about this but, I was interested in seeing what % market share that had of GS PSA 9s. To find the total market value I took the POP report of a card and multiplied it by the average sold listing. And I was shocked by the result…

Over $1,000,000 ($1,024,150) when you combine all 27 GS PSA 9s value. Insane!!! (at least to me)
and over $200,000 ($206,800) in just Charizards with the POP of 188 which I valued at $1100


P.S. I know that I am obsessed with GS PSA 9s :stuck_out_tongue:

Would anyone care/find it useful if I did this with 1st base set PSA 10 and 9, Shining 1st PSA 10 and 9, etc.?


Market caps are actually pretty cool information. I would love to see a comprehensive report that does this on a larger scale for graded ultra rares.


This is neat! I’d be interested in this info for 1st edition base set holos PSA 9.

Keep in mind that pop reports can be fairly inaccurate for all grades except 10. You would need to factor this into your estimate.


For the 1st base set holos PSA 9, the total market value is … $5,583,825!

and over $3,288,000 just in Charizard! With a POP of 548 and one being valued at $6,000.

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Very cool, thank you!

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No problem! I really enjoy finding this data. :grin:

This is a very interesting topic and great to see a visual total price aspect to such an iconic sub set. Might I ask if you’ve just factored in the English language cards or Japanese as well? (not too sure if PSA grades the Chinese Legend Maker GS).

I can only assume that the population reports are wrong, with people cutting out graded cards for a regrade chance at a PSA, is this also factored into your overall estimations?

This is only for the English cards, the japanese ones with 1st edition and then unlimited would make the total go from 27 to 79 and I am just too lazy to compute all that. The PSA sadly does not grade the Chinese ones, nor do I have any sales figures for the BGS ones. As for the cracking, I knew about it but don’t think that many people crack cards so I did not factor that in. Maybe the POP report is off by 2 or 3 per card due to cracking, but in the end that only effects the end result by around 2%.

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Very interesting! I appreciate that Japanese cards inflates the quantities quite drastically due to the Unlimited / 1st ed / PLAY Promo aspects.

Thanks for carrying out this initial analysis of the Gold Star set values anyway, some great information to ponder upon!