I was going through my stuff and I forgot that I had a few sealed Toys R Us promos back around 2016 (RIP Toys R US TT.TT) Does anyone know the total list of cards that had the Toys R Us stamp on them? I know that a few were released in Canada like the tangela but just want to know what I’m missing. Any help is appreciated!
At the least, this binder page is missing Electabuzz and Charmander, both from Evolutions, a Stufful from Burning Shadows and Cosmog from Sun & Moon Base, as well as an Alolan Vulpix from Guardians Rising.
There’s also a Jangmo-o Crimson Invasion and Piplup Ultra Prism Toys R Us Promo out there too.
EDIT: Here’s the comprehensive list pulled from Bulbapedia for everyone’s convenience:
Pikachu Generations
Magikarp Generations
Tangela Generations
Clefairy Generations
Meowth Generations
Geodude Generations
Ponyta Generations
Slowpoke Generations
Charmander Evolutions
Electabuzz Evolutions
Cosmog Sun & Moon
Alolan Vulpix Guardians Rising
Stufful Burning Shadows
Jangmo-o Crimson Invasion
Piplup Ultra Prism
Fennekin Forbidden Light
Looks like there are sixteen total cards with the TRU logo. This would be a fun little set to collect!
The Treecko, Dratini, and Mareep look like they were handed out but do not have the TRU stamp on them. The Treecko and Mareep both have their respective set stamps, so I assume the Dratini has the same treatment going on as well. I can’t find any Dratini cards on eBay though o: They must be quite rare.