So with sets getting larger and larger I’ve been hopeful that maybe my favorite pokemon Cradily might finally get a holo card or better this year but alas he has not. Cradily hasn’t had a holo card since 2007 and only has one ultra rare being Cradily ex from aqua v magma. I still apreciate the non holos and the cosmic eclipse one happens to be my favorite artwork but I’m still a bit sad that I have nothing shiny to collect for Cradily anymore Does anyone else collect a species that seems to go unnoticed by pokemon? What are some of your favorite underrated pokemon species?
The baby Pokémon, most notably Pichu, have been wiped off the map and Pokémon pretends they don’t exist anymore. Only a few survivors of the old days have faint memories. The rest are indoctrinated into believing nothing comes before Pikachu.
Heck, Pokemon would prefer that nothing comes after Pikachu, either. Pokemon likely still wishes it never made Raichu, as evidenced by the fact that every Pikachu clone the franchise has made since Gen 3 doesn’t evolve.
The only reason why Raichu was even made to begin with was because Clefairy was the original mascot. If Pikachu were picked as the mascot from the jump, it likely wouldn’t have evolved. As a matter of fact, Pikachu was originally supposed to have a second evolution after Raichu called Gorochu, but it was scrapped by developers because of limited game data.
I’ve just had 70 new Cameos released, so I feel this. But I would rather be in our boat than the Pichu fans. Collecting loads is more fun than collecting nothing.
I do feel though that the fossil’s by their nature are likely to be passed over a fair bit, as the new set will want to feature THAT generations fossils.
Interestingly, the starters suffer from a similar problem but seem to persevere through sheer popularity.
I feel this, I really liked pichu after seeing the pichu short film before the 3rd movie. I find it really weird that pokemon doesn’t incorporate pichu and raichu into the franchise as much as they used to
It also just dawned on me that fossil pokemon used to need a trainer to evolve which is why they were probably aprehensive about printing old fossil mons in the past. And yea cradily being a fossil mon kinda works against it even though it’s not really relevant anymore.
I’d rather be on the other end, it sucks to go years without anything to collect for your favorite species. I mean I’m happy with the cosmic eclipse regular rare but before that the last cradily was 6 years prior with plasma blasst (also non holo). I understand wanting reasonable collecting goals but this is just too dry to be enjoyable.
Raichu has the most TCG cards after Pikachu and Unown…
You’re right about lack of Raichu in the anime and that most of the other Lightning-Type rodent Pokémon doesn’t evolve, though.
And I agree with @miraclegro . The Baby Pokémon have a severe lack of cards, simply because the baby Pokémon mechanism sucked in the TCG and TPC refuses to come up with something new for them… Pichu indeed comes to mind, but even some of the newer baby Pokémon (gen 4) like Mantyke, Bonsly, and Budew only have 2-3 artworks each.
I’m glad my favorite Pokémon Seviper received some love (aka cool TCG cards) during the SM and SwSh eras.
Out of curiosity, what makes Cradily your favorite Pokémon, @rae ?
It’s not just the lack of Raichu in the anime, either. I’m not sure if you play the games, but an item was released for Pikachu called the “Light Ball,” which doubles its Attack and Special Attack, making both of those stats higher than Raichu. No other Pokemon has such a specific item.
Even with Raichu having a lot of cards in the TCG (and the reason for that is largely so Pikachu can evolve in the TCG), I can pretty much guarantee you that if Pokemon could go back in time and delete Raichu from existence, it would.
I remember as a kid digging up a root fossil in the underground of pearl while looking for an evo stone for a different mon, I thought you could only get armor fossils so I was really excited and shocked when I found it I also had no idea what pokemon it was for. I thought lileep was really weird and I figured it had to evolve at least once and I just really liked Cradily I also really like pokemon with interesting origins and crynoids are cool, my next collection goal until a new card comes out is to get a real root fossil (crynoid) to display with my cradily collection
Lovely idea, there are many beautiful Crinoid fossils out there.
Personally, I would go with something from the Ordovician period. I think Cradily and Lileep are supposed to be from there. They are the only fossil Pokemon that could’ve lived in that period, and their rival claw fossils are the only Fossil Pokemon to be found in the period before it.