Hey I’m just curious to know if they are going to print Ultra shiny gx again because I stumbled into a Japanese seller on ebay who was selling these boxes. I then read the description which said preorder. I messaged asking if there was going to be another release and I got this response.
“Hello, thank you for contacting us.
Yes, this product is released again on April 30th.”
As far as I knew, there wasn’t going to be one. Does anyone know about this?
I think there was a reprint back in February because I saw that amiami had some in stock after not having them for a while. I quickly bought 1 and sure enough they ran out of stock again a day or 2 later. I tried to find information on the reprint with no luck, so I’d say it’s possible that another one is coming. Afaik amiami doesn’t have a buylist or anything like that, so I’m just assuming the restock was due to a reprint.
Pokémon has provided small allocated stock to distributors for certain sets, which wasn’t even a fraction of a reprint. For example, my distributor received 20 cases in total, which is negligible.
The set has never become available again to purchase on the distributor page. A year or so ago you could preorder boxes then make a second order for a good 8-12 months. Now the preorder is the only order, and some orders aren’t fully fulfilled.
I see, thanks for the clarification. I know you covered it in your video but I wasn’t sure if anything changed since then.