Hey all. Long time no see. Recently went to PAX East and fell upon a new Gyarados card I hadn’t seen from the Crimson Invasion set. I honestly didn’t think we’d see too many releases of the mon after XY.
Today I decided I wanted to get some extra cash to save for an international trip with me and my S/O so I sold my BGS 9.5 Gyarados XY-P Promo. But when I went on ebay, I figured I’d see what listings existed for Gyarados since I’ve fallen off the bandwagon for about two years.
Ultradimensional Beasts SM4 & SM6, Crimson Invasion, and I think another set.
Does anyone know of how many alts there are of the cards that have released since 2016/2017 of Gyarados?
But in general, how have you all been? I don’t recognize a ton of names on the active list, so hi if you’re new. I’m the guy who only collects Gyarados Cards & Flats, though I know I’m not the only one.
hello ! as someone who has a small collection of the big blue fish myself, i can appreciate anyone else who has a similar interest. i certainly do look forward to seeing what you bring to the hobby
Our other Gyarados collectors might also be able to help your further, especially @shizzlemetimbers who acquired the SNAP Photo Contest Gyarados at the start of 2017, and who has the largest Gyarados collection right now as far as I know.
Thanks everyone for the warm welcomes!
A project I’m starting is reorganizing my collection and updating my old thread/making a new one. So more on that later. It’s exciting to get back.
And thanks for the pointers. I haven’t updated my Gyarados Card list in some time from my excel sheet, so the help is greatly appreciated from you guys. I’ll update asap. Thanks again. I missed you guys.
… The mad man finally did it? I knew he’d beat me in having a larger collection at some point. But obtaining the SNAP card is baffling to me! Good for him. Wicked proud of him!
I was lucky enough to have an attempt at consecutive serial numbers come back as 10s! I think they did well with the artwork for the newest Gyarados cards.