For those of you who don’t keep up with instagram, a few grail sheets have popped up from instagram user Its basically a test sheet with 2 cards each. Both are insane to see. One is a 1999 Tropical Wind along with a snap Bulbasaur. The other is a fan club Magikarp and an unreleased fan club Gyarados.
This puzzles me too, you’d think they’d have only one type of card per sheet - it kind of gives the impression that an employee intentionally paired them together because they knew they were rare?
I am fully behind the skepticism when something weird pops up. But there’s a difference between skepticism that leans towards being fake and skepticism that leans toward being real.
I have little doubt that all these weird items popping up lately at least represent real artifacts. Of course it’s fair to have some reservations on some of the details. The fact that so much is appearing at once is not evidence of being fake, it is evidence of a common underlying thread. It’s no coincidence the same name keeps popping up.
This is not a reply to anyone specific, moreso just to the vibe I get when reading these threads
My god the cut looks awful. Why didn’t they shape it up before sending it to CGC? We already know that it’s a (hand) cut sheet. You might as well make it look presentable.