Unique Pokémon collectors

Any unique Pokémon collectors on here? Like there has to be the worlds top Poliwrath or Hitmonchan collector out there with gem mint cards if every release. If you collect something unique posit it!


Not it, haha. Really interested to see the unique random collections


:arrow_left: Seviper collector. :snake: :pikasmile:





Well i haven’t seen another grimer/muk collector at least on this level, also most of the auctions i go for end without competition so that supports it :smile: but there has to be so many collections here that are if not the only ones in world at least very close, to name few not already mentioned:

@bbobrob Hoppip line
@lyleberr theme decks
@ReganRampage prerelease cards
@dromanyte delibird
If i remember correctly @seafoamarticuno collects seal/dewgong
@kromaticlanturn girafarig
@ragingkraken skarmory
@coil magnemite line
@zaneat shuckle

Loads of other great collection for example in single species or in promos but i feel like these might be more unusual


Ah shucks im noticed! Im definitely leaning into the prerelease stuff and am actually looking for some errors to branch out. Been eyeballing a few. Also thinking about prerelease advertisement stuff. Thanks for the shoutout!
Edit: I added a picture too lol its pretty much done. Or will be on wednesday. Then to expanding it with merch and errors.


Thanks for the shout @joponnes ! Yeah, I’ve been meaning to do a collection update. The Girafarig collection has expanded quite a bit since the last time I posted in my thread.


I love when people collect both tcg and non-tcg items of a single Pokemon or set of Pokemon. @joponnes has Muk and Grimer, @Quuador 's Seviper, @Dizzle with Gen 2 Starters/Legendaries and Dedenne, and @mrmagicarpe with his insane Magikarp collection.

Then there’s folks like @nidokingdom and @shizzlemetimbers who basically collect pokemon history - especially in the non-tcg. I know a few collectors who even went so far as collecting Game Freak memorabilia like @hapycakeoven . These are just a few of the folks that come to mind for unique collections.

But for me, at this point I think I just try to collect different and unique depictions of Gyarados. It’s no longer a flats collection like it was 5 years ago:

Edit: This reminds me I need to redo my display since I got some awesome secret santa stuff I still haven’t set up yet.


Happy to see a mention here, although I feel like my collection is just in it’s infancy!

@seeingdubble has a neat double swirl collection
@c011ect0r has possibly the largest and coolest filler card collection
@nidokingdom also has an expansive vintage non-TCG collection (though I think that’s more shared on IG)
@qwachansey has his Chansey collection, but it has a lot of cool errors (e.g. holo shifts, square cuts).

I think someone here also has a ton of holo shifts (not sure if it’s @qwachansey I’m thinking of)

Edit: @Dyl also has quite a number of cool errors if I remember right (e.g. incomplete holos)


I’m glad you mentioned more collectors, i at first mainly thought about the more unique species collections regarding just if the pokemon is popular or not but there are a lot of differences between collections in more common species too, yours is definitely one of the most unique collections in the world even if the pokemon itself is widely collected. Ones like Dominic’s or dizzle’s collections sure belong in this thread too, it’s such a priviledge to witness the amount and scale of unique collections here


Really like that display! Love how some of the cards are displayed in less traditional ways (i.e. coming out of the corners of the manga on the second shelf).


Thank you for the tag @azulryu :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Nidoking, Nidorino, Nidoran male collector here ! (and also regular Japanese Vintage non-tcg collector)

Here’s my last picture I took of my display from nearly two years ago :slight_smile: (I don’t add much to the Nido collection these days :frowning: )

I’m trying to get more active here !


We can’t forget about @citriina your piplup evo line is awesome


@suicune has a super cool NZ/AUS exclusive card collection which I don’t think I’ve seen elsewhere. Also a PSA1 collection from memory.


Love the second photo with the french decks (except the brushfire), the Nidoran male marbles, and the film cells.


Also mentioning @jac2357 and his 1999-2000 print fossil collection


@D3F14NC3 thanks for the tag :slight_smile:
These are my unique-ish collecting goals/ collections.
EB Games Master Set, My goals are all the variants + PSA 10 full set. I’m just missing a few french variants of some cards from Quebec Canada.

Secondly, is my Taipei Pokepark Promos which are hyper niche. They’re pop series art an only released for a short period while the park was open in Taiwan. Printed in T Chinese, they also had a pokemon fan club and championship arena cards, but likewise these are still special and under appreciated.

Thirdly, I do have a well loved collection with some PSA 1s and what nots but just slowly just adding to it. These are some of the cool ones. Sadly, I sold the shining gary to fund some grading fees and other purchases.

Finally, I don’t know if this is unique but it definitely has gotten me some weird looks. My metal 25th UPC card collection. I think the cards are underappreciated and to be frank quite cheap and deserve more recognition. I’ve already gotten them in PSA 10s, but just going to try beckett next submission as idk if they’ve reopened these for grading.


the metal cards go wiiiild

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Isn’t there someone who specifically collects cards where a Pokemon(s) is helping in human activities/work?

(Recent examples being the Steelix AR, Machamp(?) SAR.)


‘sir why does your carry-on baggage weigh 37kg’ ahhh collection of metal cards.