UPCCC Image Gallery

Due to recent conversations, I have started work on a UPCCC image gallery.

So far, I have made a tumblr for hosting/submitting images.
Location: upccc.tumblr.com/

And the gallery itself:
Location: sites.google.com/site/upcccgallery/home

As for the actual site I will have, I’m thinking Google Sites. I know how to make a very nice layout with that, and it will look fantastic.

I’m ready to start with pictures!

How to submit:
Take a high quality scan.
Go to the Tumblr.
Click “submit”
Upload the picture, along with any info about release/amount that would be interesting.
Click “Submit”
Wait for the picture to show up on the site.
cbd1235 will be resizing/adding watermarks, so please don’t do it.


Sorry for the double post, but I want someone to upload about 5 scans, so I can make sure the tumblr works.

I’ll move my previous post here:

While I have good reasoning skills and am a strong logical thinker, I’ll be the first to admit that when it comes to Pokemon cards that all goes out the window as one could say I’m “obsessed” lol. Therefore I’ll try to think a little reasonably about this but it’s hard!

If we wanted an amalgamation of trophy cards realistically we could all just post whichever trophy cards we desire to add up on the album on Pokegym. They do have an album dedicated specifically to that. However it’s not as fun that way! And some people like myself have a hard time scrolling through an album that has pictures and scans that are all over the place.

So yeah we have two options if we want to do this, easy way out that provides a built-in watermark and lots of exposure already or we could make a site and possibly have more risk of image theft. The latter is much more work but the result in the end would be much more appealing.

I don’t know where to go further than this!

Edit: One problem with the Pokegym album is there’s all sorts of information about the cards already in it that we now accept to be wrong :\ So it’s kind of a crappy resource as I think a site should have up to date information about the cards to go with the pictures.

Edit II: I added one of my pictures to try it out.

Yeah, that’s why I love this idea. We can have:
Amount of them
Maybe even an approximate price (:thinking:)

Anything we want, really.

Edit: Everything’s working good! People can start to submit their pictures once we find out watermark and stuff.

Put it in the site under the japanese promo tab xD I have it in 3 different sizes. If you click on it you see a full size image. What size is the best?

Yeah, I want it directly to Tumblr. It’s the best image hosting service, and it’s very easy to keep track of the images should one go missing. I just copy the location and put it on the site.

Check out this thread (1/2 way down), for more info.

Basically it would be Upccc members trophy cards I would think

Hrm, though I somewhat like the idea… RE: pokegym

Why tumblr? Just curious…
It just seems so remote compared to photobucket etc

With Tumblr you can have several people submit pictures, and photobucket recycles URLs, so after a little while the pictures wouldnt show anymore. Tumblr doesnt.

And it’d be all the trophies, with info with the amount of them, the year, and some backround info on their release. Possible some other stuff is we decide so.

The problem with photobucket is that after a while theh recycle urls

Haha. It’s all good. And I think that as long as we put watermarks, we’ll be fine.

I’m ready to start with pictures!

How to submit:
Take a high quality scan.
Upload the picture to here.
Put the watermark as “Black text on white, 40% opacity”
Put the text as “UPCCC”
Set the location in the lower left.
Save the now watermarked image to your computer.
Go to the tumblr, and click “submit”
Upload the picture, along with any info about the amount of the card, the year, etc.
Submit the picture to the Tumblr.
Wait for me to put it on the website.

What not to do:
Resize the pictures
Have any boarder/outline around the card


No, it’s basically everything. For non trophies though, we dont need the amount of them. Only like, year, how many points, etc.

Basically, this is just a website to help inform people of rarity of cards, as well as a huge site to show off our acheivments as a forum.

I agree.
I mean a photo gallery is a great idea and all, but it should be moreso cards that no one knows nothing about…
I mean we see images here of TMB and such, and everyone sees them in the threads, why do we need another stressful mess…

Once we get pictures up, we will be able to see what we’re missing. It’s more organized than just like, a thread with people posting what they have.

I like the idea of thinking of what isn’t owned by someone on here!

-1999 TMB Bilingual Exeggutor
-1999 TMB #2 Trainer
-1999 TMB #3 Trainer
-Prerelease Raichu

Correct me if anyone owns some of those cards but that’s what I’ve got off the top of my head :stuck_out_tongue:

I assume we’re only doing “rarer” cards, since there are a ton of random cards no one here has, most likely.

It would make more sense to do that than just any old common or random promo. Should be rarer promos and trophy cards I would think imo

Yeah, that’s what I thought xD
People should start to upload their picturesssss