Update:Selling most Japan. cards on Cardmarket is forbidden!

So, in short, this is supposed to be a warning to use caution when selling Japanese cards on Cardmarket.

Three days ago, I received an automated message saying my account got suspended for “Selling SM Promos under Secret Rare Cards”.
I had the gold Solgaleo and Lunala Secret Rares from GX Battle Boost listed with their English reprints from Ultra Prism. Some people try to sell their cheap Hidden Fates gold Solgaleo & Lunala promos (different artwork) inbetween those Secret Rares to appear cheaper, which is of course not the correct category. Cardmarket apparently thought my Japanese cards were part of those Hidden Fates promos, so my account got suspended. I did not list any SM Promos under any Secret Rare slot.

Even if someone did, that alone resulting in an indefinite suspension is unbelievable in my opinion.

Two days later the support finally got back to me & said: **“There was an error in the message - Japanese cards are separate products and can only be sold when a seperate page exists for the Japanese set.”

My account remained suspended.** I was then asked to “correct my inventory”, what ever that means.

Cardmarket indeed just started creating pages for new Japanese sets new to old, but they stopped at Sword and Shield / Sun and Moon promos, so there is no page for the cards in question.

I now have to interpret the situation as

a) They changed the reason for my suspension, while all Hidden Fates promos listed as Ultra Prism cards were removed, but other people’s modern Japanese cards were not. That doesn’t make sense.
b) Selling any Japanese card that is not 1. From Sword & Shield onward or 2. a Sun & Moon Promo or onward, is against the rules (that are nowhere to be found) and may result in an indefinite suspension.
c) This Support employee is not right and selling Japanese cards is allowed.

Multiple official businesses on Cardmarket also sell Japanese cards, people have been selling Japanese EX cards, modern cards, naked Mistys etc. for years w/o any problems.

You can choose “Japanese” in the listing form for every single card from every single set; yet this message makes it seem like that doesn’t matter because listing them is not allowed.

I’m waiting for another response from the support and removed the two other modern Japanese cards I had listed, because I just don’t know what’s allowed and what’s not, but my account is still suspended. Other people’s Japanese cards are still online.

tl,dr: According to an Cardmarket Support employee, you may not sell Japanese cards if their sets (as in S1, S3a, etc.) are not listed seperately, which would be any Set-card prior to S&S or Promo before S&M as it stands. I can’t believe that’s the whole truth, but a suspension may be detrimental for an actual business relying on exposure, so I shared this.


Heya mate, I’ve a card market account for a few years now myself and the odd time I’ve stepped over to a Japanese set trying to list is a pain. People genuinely looking for the Japanese versions is a lot of effort.

In saying that though it’s very unusual they done that to your account. And the reasoning behind it doesn’t make any sense as plenty of businesses do list Japanese product/singles.
Hopefully your account will be active for you again soon though.

I’ve spoken to them directly as well and they are rolling out individual set lists but they’ve also said to be patient as it will take a very long time to do all the sets.

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Yup. Of course I would (and did) list every card in the proper Japanese category, when such a page exists. For early WotC for example, different pages don’t even make sense, since the sets had different names, but all the same cards. Searching for sets is a pain to begin with on this website, this will make things even more complicated. But that’s just my opinion.

All this seems random, harsh and just off - especially since no prior offense occurred and no warning was issued. I’ll keep this thread updated when they’ll finally get back to me again.

Update: After removing the modern Japanese cards in question, my account was now finally unbanned. I was again asked to “check over” my inventory.
I specifically asked the support about EX era, WotC cards and basically all Japanese cards that are being sold on Cardmarket w/o problems for years, since many Powersellers or official businesses sell them regularly.
Selling any Japanese card, no matter what set, must be done on a seperate Japanese product site. Since Cardmarket just started implementing those and only got as far as the most recent S&S expansions, this means selling Japanese Base Set Charizards, EX era cards etc. is not allowed. The rules for that are nowhere to be found, you don’t receive any warning.

That said, the support can’t seem to be bothered to remove any other Japanese listings, since around 5-30 people each sell the same vintage Japanese cards I do, including businesses. All this seems just arbitrary. This also means though that it only takes one guy that wants to harm your business to report you to the support for you to be suspended.
Since my account now got into their focus for a different offense I didn’t commit, they just lost my business for Japanese cards until they maybe finally implement older sets in 2027 or so.

I guess it’s up to everyone if they want to risk being hit by a capricious ban hammer that may swing more often as they implement more sets.

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This is so odd, the option to sort under Japanese cards is still there. Why is that option still there if it’s not allowed in the first place? Cardmarket has questionable practices sometimes. I’ve have had weird experiences with their helpdesk before. Is the button there for already existing Japanese listings?

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Yes, you can choose Japanese for any Pokemon product you want, including ETB’s which don’t even exist in Japanese. I guess they didn’t bother changing that web design from their MTG sites, since selling Japanese MTG seems to be allowed - clicking the inext to languages also directs you do an MTG site where they explain how you identify the language of your MTG cards, including Japanese.

I think you can sort every Pokemon Product by Japanese, which will give you lots of listings for older stuff - everyone’s been selling Japanese Base Set for years. It’s like they didn’t even notice until now.
Like I said, this policy that’s nowhere to be found doesn’t make any sense and I wouldn’t even know about it, if I didn’t get freaking suspended w/o warning for something entirely different.

Edit* If you mean the newly listed seperate Japanese product sites: There you can only choose Japanese or Korean.

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Sigh… CM…

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Yeah, I sometimes have the feeling CardMarket doesn’t know what they want to do themselves. When the first Thai set was released I asked them to add the Thai flag, but they responded that you’re only allowed to sell ‘western region’ cards. When I asked them why there were Japanese, Korean, Chinese, and Russian flags in that case I never received a response… I also see loads of Japanese cards being sold within the other cards, even if the artwork doesn’t match at all. Ah well, thanks for the warning either way!


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