WARNING: IG User cardhouse.eu False PayPal Claims

lts not the people being stupid that is the problem. I was just about to say this guy is the one who has 15k legendary dogs right? So obviously has some issues as a person, not his mental campacity. He knows what he is doing is not cool.

For instance… I am a stupid person, who does stupid things… But I dont go around opening cases against people. :sunglasses:

FOR INSTANCE AGAIN! I JUST PUT ALL MY COLLECTION ON AUCTION A FEW DAYS BACK AND EVERYTHING WENT FOR SHIT ALL!!! YAY FOR ME NOW I HAVE TO GET RID OF ONE OF MY PRIZED POSESSIONS. So basically I have 2 cards left now, and 1 has to go to make the monies i was ment to make on my entire collection that went haywire :blush: Auctions are shit people… never … i repeat… never do them.
