Website Help Please

Is there anybody here who could build me a website. Nothing fancy. Maybe 3-4 pages with a shopping cart. Only 10 items appx to start.

I already own three domain names:

Akaraco is the one I want to start with.

Can anybody help? Of course I’ll compensate cash or cards:)

For one low payment of a BGS 10 Charizard I will take a web development course and build you that site.

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Hmmm…that would have to be an awesome website;)

You might be surprised how much a functional website requires.

Honestly, unless you’re going in on developing a full back-end API, just use a free website designer. There are literally dozens of options that will all satisfy what you need. And unless you’re getting more complex and paying for it anyway, anyone that was helping you would have to ask you for everything the free website would.

The challenge with making a website is not the number of items entered. That scales easily and indefinitely. Creating a system that allows for the entry of items at all is the expensive, time-intensive hurdle.


Honestly utilizing a content management system like Squarespace might be best as you can pay for what you need and still have “marketplace” capability if you want to go that route.

Just my 2c.

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Thanks for the insight.
I’ve played with the free websites but got discouraged early when I couldn’t get pictures to fit in designated spaces.

Its def. not hard at all. 3rd party software platforms like creates an easy way for end users with zero web dev. experience to spin up store fronts in a matter of a couple hours if you follow their instructions to the T.

Your alternative is to create a Google site, and embed Paypal URL’s into each photo that would essentially point to a paypal invoice.

I tried building my own PERSONAL Gallery and never finished it. (Never found the time)

I’ve been doing web development for the past 5-6 years or so as a hobby and could help you out with this. The cheapest route (as others have mentioned) would be to use a platform that has a web editor (shopify, wix, squarespace, etc.), but this option has massive limitations as to what kind of stuff you’ll be able to do with the site as far as styling, backend/database, etc. The more expensive option would be to create something from scratch where the options are limitless, but the $$$ and time to develop would completely depend on the scope of the site (and some stuff might not be realistically possible).

Feel free to shoot me a PM if you want to talk further.

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You should list what your willing to pay someone for the initial build and discuss long term compensation if more involvement is needed.

I think another thing you need to consider is once the sites up, Are you going to be the person doing the maintenance swapping out the inventory, changing prices, adding stock. etc. Just things to consider. To your point @funmonkey54 most companies nowadays are hosted out of AWS, AZURE, or even Googles new cloud front you’ll often see most consumer and media sites hosted on one the three. Dedicating a back end dev. to building an API seems like a waste of a resource when there are several other alternatives available at a cheap monthly cost logically speaking. This being stated to not deter Gary from going out and learning the couple needed languages to build a site if he wanted to.

Lastly both Charlie and I suggested using a already existing platform to build your site, Since you’ll need to worry about traffic, growth and advertisements if you decide to go down that route as well - most of the platforms out there offer an increase in SEO (Search appears on the first page of Google) and other such tools at a higher monthly cost.

k done.

Currently doing my master’s in computer science. If you are looking for something simple there’s tons of existing templates available as others have mentioned.

If you’re looking for something a little more custom or involved it will be a more interesting task. Depending on the requirements and the payment, I may be interested

Honestly, money was no object. I’d pay whatever I’m asked for.
Thank you all for your recommendations and advice. Somebody here has agreed to help already.
I don’t know if he wants me to say who he is but this is an example of his work.

For sure you’ll all see it when completed:)


you can try looking on if stuff doesnt go well
i had a website made once and it cost me $200.

Mr. DefiantWebSolutions may want to log onto wordpress and fix or remove some of these broken links for his customer :wink:

If attention to detail is something important to you @garyis2000, you know where to find me #shotsfired

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I figured there were many outside sources but knowing the intellect of our great efour members I figured someone here could help and I’d rather give them the business:)

Mr DefiantWebSolutions just migrated that website to a new host and is aware of the broken links :wink: also waiting on the customer to get back to him on the social urls.

I challenge you to a duel sir, you take and I’ll take - whoever creates the most favorable site to our charizard overlord gets the PSA 10 reward!

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Pfft going for a psa 10. You guys playing yourselves, bgs 10 is where it’s at.

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I’ll do it if I get the Pikachu girl Gary has in all of this listings.

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As much as I love a good challenge I will respectively decline. Gary was looking for a website, I offered my services as well as some examples of what I have done and will leave it up to him. If he feels my work is not capable of handling his needs or someone can do it better, I’ll leave it up to him.