Inspired by this discussion about the listing above, what card would you have Bill Nye sign if given the opportunity?
Inspired by this discussion about the listing above, what card would you have Bill Nye sign if given the opportunity?
Fun thread. Bill Nye taught me how weather works so I think Castform makes perfect sense being a man made Pokémon with weather abilities
Bill or Bill’s Analysis… Bill’s Maintenance has a nice less-distracting background?
This was my first reaction. I’m sure there are some niche Trainer cards that would be great fits (inb4 David Attenborough signed Fieldworker)
This is such a good pick!
Gotta go with this
Nah but if it had to be a real pokemon card, I’d probably go with the OG Bill’s PC.
That one looks good too!
I like Bill’s Analysis, but here’s a scientist-y card:
(Bonus is that it lets you segue smoothly into talk about waifu cards, if you so please)
I’m going to keep all of my cards and everything else I own as far from Bill Nye as I can.