What do you do with your eBay Authenticity Guarantee boxes?

Being a minimalist having these really bugs me lol. I usually immediately take the card out of the box and sleeve to fit in my own supply’s. Any thoughts to make use of these?


Not the most environmentally friendly option, but I throw them out.


Yeah I really hate the waste part of it. Unnecessary for all this crap, but I get they want to make you feel “special”.

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As a fellow minimalist I would suggest reading Marie Kondo’s books/philosophies which covers items like this.

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I use them for extra protection when shipping cards for non-eBay sales


This is the best solution!

Also I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought the packaging was wasteful. I like the tamper tape thing they do but the outer magnet box feels extra.

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Very familiar, and these in fact do not bring me joy whatsoever. If there were recycle material entirely they’d be long gone but I feel bad just tossing them. Ultimately may be the way though. We all think we do a decent job for recycling and whatnot but when you see the number of private jets leaving the super bowl each year does it really matter anymore? Probably havn’t recycled enough in my lifetime to account for just one of those. :man_shrugging:

I did use them for a time when selling but I don’t see myself selling much outside of in person events for the near future, so may just keep a couple around for special sales!

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Sell them on ebay.

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The amount of resources used in this hobby is staggering, I try not to think about it since there isn’t much an individual can do and ultimately just makes you feel bad. The biggest impact we can have is probably convincing people not to grade more junk slabs.

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I just figured I’d use them to ship cards to eBay when someone buys something from me authenticity guaranteed.

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