What is this pack?

Saw this on eBay and it looked really cool! I don’t have any info on it besides a 15 second video on YouTube in Japanese. Any help would be appreciated!


They’re made by Tomy, since it states so on the pack. I’m pretty sure Tomy only made two series of Scratch sets, based on @accio’s Tomy Scratch website pages. It does mention Part 3 on the pack you’ve linked, though.

Since the brand text seems to be different than pack 1 and pack 2, it’s probably a different Tomy Pokémon card game/stickers. Unfortunately I can’t read Japanese, since I have the feeling that translating the texts on the pack will already hold a pretty big clue what kind of cards/stickers are in that pack.


Here is a few things i have found

Image of the back of the booster pack you linked which i translated with google translate

Image of part 1,2,3 Booster packs

Ebay listings which match what is on the front of the packs which may be what is inside

Looks like its some stickers and a book from the images, Google translate of the pack states 2 sticker sheets & 2 books if that is correct
Hope this helps :blush:

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@quuador, @pikachutcg,thank you! I doubt PSA or anyone else will grade the packs or otherwise unfortunately.