I’ve found myself appreciating delta species artworks today. So wanted to see what everyone’s favorite is (I’m sure this has been asked before, wasn’t able to find a thread too recent), and what thoughts are on the concept in general. I love it, and so wish there would have been a game/something more on the Holon region.
Not a fan at all. Hate the tcg-specific lore, hate the oilspill-holo, don’t like the half-baked typings, don’t like the filtered colors, the layout is at best a downgrade from what came before and the shift in illustrators is only a negative. It was and still remains the beginning of the end of the tcg for me.
That said, the illustrations mostly retain typical ex-era grandiosity and the region did produce a fair amount of great backgrounds.
This is such an interesting category of cards, strewn across just a few ex era sets. Not unlike my rejection of E series borders years prior having changed to fondness and favoritism, I wound up coming to adore these cards a great deal. Now, to be clear, I mean the non holos for english, and when it comes to the holos, it has to be japanese. I think it is some of the only times in vintage english tcg where I vastly prefer the japanese option for non exlusives. Normally I even hate this holo pattern a lot, but these exceptionally make it work. A feat in of itself.
I think they are such a cool concept and novelty, and I’m glad it was quick and then done, so that they’d be looked back upon with true uniqueness. Just as I can point out the Kusajima cards that inevitably made me turn to the darkside, it was these following cards that made me start to love them. And once the full embrace was had, that warmth was overwhelming. Now I just simply adore them – they have their own section for the holos in my binder.
This Vaporeon was one of the first. So crisp, so clean. This will be the only time ever you hear me claim a Saitou as a particular favorite within a subset. He was perfect for this.
This tyranitar is disgusting, and it might be the best depiction of him outside of the two E series cards ever made. The red compliments the green utterly and divinely.
And then while I could mention all Kusajimas in this variety, who went full Bowie for this specific period in the mid 2000’s, here is a shining example. Well… besides the obvious Gyarados and Ninetales listed already.
Feraligatr for the sole reason of it being depicted the way it always should be, as a quadruped. Having it stand was of one of early Gamefreaks most disappointing decisions. I mean, look at his demo sprite work, imagine if we got that.
I know I’m the resident ex shill but I generally don’t like delta cards too much. The Holo pattern is pretty bad compared to anything else in the ex era and a lot of the cards look just worse than earlier ex.
However there’s a couple I do like. This one is my favorite
I have kinda mixed feelings about delta species since i do love to form binder pages full of specific pokemon or type and while these tend to have excellent art the background colour often breaks the theme in such binder pages. However, no one can have bad things to say about this ninetales, it’s a gorgeous one and a centerpiece of my Kusajima page in my artist binder