Im looking for photos or scans not in japanese or english but I cant find a list of what languages it was made in. Anyone know?
Can’t find anything online that gives a definitive list of languages used, but after searching through several websites with active/sold listings with the card (assuming we’re talking about the Tag Team SM210) I did find a German version of the card on eBay:
I also searched all of the “standard” languages for release (Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese, Russian, Polish, Thai, Chinese) but German is the only thing that yielded results across 2 websites.
Good luck in your search! I’ll post if I find out more.
There are a lot of Italian, Spanish and French Birds listed on Cardmarket. But sadly only a few of them had pictures
I was going to say, it doesn’t make any sense that the card would not have other releases. Unless only Germans are really into stained glass windows or Pokemon legendary birds
Only my General Expierence when searching Cards →
Portuguese Cards appear so rarely its like a myth^^
French/Italian appear more often
German is always easier to find, quite big difference compared to french.
There was a short Timeline when a Flood of Spain base hits the Market, still much easier to find than protuguese.
Not sure if this can be used as a general starting point for your SM210 Promo and why certain Languages are always to find and a few seem to not be aviable.
If the 210 Promo had a Portuguese Release better pray
Asian sets are a bit hard to find but I can just give you the answers: the card was printed in all 6 Asian languages albeit in different sets.
The card must be available in Korean as Korea follows every Japanese set since BW. Search for the same set expansion and index and you should find it.
The card is included in the AS6b set in Traditional Chinese and Thai. Here’s the Traditional Chinese copy, you should be able to find Thai with the same index as well.
In Indonesia, the card is in the AC3b set.
The Simplified Chinese set for Tag Teams won’t be out until later this month, so we’ll have to wait and see if the card is included or not.
UPDATE: the card is included in the CSM2c set in Simplified Chinese.
Most have already been said, but modern TCG sets cards are usually released in 11 different languages these days (soon maybe 12 when Simplified Chinese catches up): Japanese, English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Korean, T-Chinese, Thai, and Indonesian.
As for this SM210 promo Moltres, Zapdos, and Articuno: it’s released in 10 of those 11 languages. It wasn’t released in Portuguese. Someone once asked me the same question near the end of 2019, and my Brazilian contact wasn’t able to find it either, and said some of the listings of the English copy on the Brazilian marketplaces mentioned it was never released in Brazil.
Spanish just feels right for the birds.
Thanks for sharing. It looks great in spanish.