Any ideas on what Pokemon casts this shadow? I’m thinking it might be Mewtwo based on the ears and the minor lack of shadow below that indicates it’s a head similar to that of a human’s.
Honestly, the way the head looks to be so tall, makes me think Granbull. It’s ears seem to be similar shape to whatever juts out at the top of the shadows head. Hard to tell too since the shadow has so little details and the shadow might be distorted.
Looking at the other Unowns from Neo Destiny, the artist took plenty of artistic liberty with the shadowing. I’m not sure it’s supposed to be a Pokemon. Longshot, but with so many Unowns in similar style, it’s possible there was a full room computer generated with the unowns inside, for use in the artwork, and you are seeing the shadow of another section of the room?
@JoshsOddCollection, I’m not sure if the shadow is caused by a Pokémon. There’re lots of possibilities. Might be a Pokémon, a group of Pokémon or it’s just a building or an object.
As soon as I posted I regretted being so confident lol. It really does look like Dratini
This is probably really stupid question, did I reply properly? I’m brand spanken new here and I never saw a reply button. I quoted the post then just wrote in a reply underneath and saved the changes.