What Price is 1st Ed Shining Gyarados PSA 8 / 9 Now?

What price should a first edition Shining Gyarados PSA 8 or 9 go for currently? Have not seen many of them sell lately.

DA cardworld had a psa 8 1st edition on their website a few weeks ago. I imagine it sold. The price was $450.

Looks like an unlimited 9 sold for over $400 and a first edition 9 sold for around $900 in the past few days. Very hot card, with some of the best art around! Wouldnā€™t surprise me to see a first edition 9 break $1000.

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I paid $450 for a PSA 9 1st Ed Shining Gyarados on March 21 2020. I know thats prob not super helpful given the almost daily price increases

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Thanks for the replies everyone, ya i figured the 1st 9s must be well north of the 450 i had seen from march. just never sure how much with these daily increases.

I paid $275 for a 9 unlimited Holo bleed about 2 weeks ago, however I donā€™t think the seller really knew market value

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Sounds like a great buy

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I paid $ 500 for both 1st Ed shinings a month ago. They look like solid 9s. I was tempted for a while to sell them but with these prices Iā€™m glad I didnā€™t.

Itā€™s crazy how prices have come along.


April 24th I paid $275 and $375 respectively for unlimited 9 magikarp and gyarados.

Hey all!

Before creating a new thread I thought Iā€™d try bumpā€™ing this one.

Recently got into collect/investing and put together a top 10 must haveā€™s for me and Shining Gyarados 1st Edition was arguably the most expensive on that list - So Iā€™m going for him first (PSA 8).

After checking the last 4 sold listing on eBay I can 2 went for $545, $580 (both sold in July) and then 2 before that went in the $800ā€™s.

After digging a bit deeper looks like 1 of those $800ā€™s has since been relisted so Iā€™m guessing the buyer didnā€™t go through with payment.

How do I then figure out what a fair price would be for this card? I offered a few $600ā€™s at the ones listed now on eBay but they werenā€™t interested.

Appreciate any guidance :blush:

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just offer what you are willing to pay, that cards gets listed all the time on ebay. Patience goes a long way in this hobby, both as a buyer and seller.

I think you are in the ballpark. As a set card that gets listed pretty regularly, I personally believe this one is tricky since itā€™s an iconic card that gets fairly frequent buy/sell action, but Iā€™d imagine it also settling down off market frequently into newer collections. Its price also spiked along with everything else that spiked, so it MAY re-settle a bit lower or at least at your current offering price in a PSA 8 some months from now. I agree with @chappo, you have to decide what you are willing to pay. If it helps you, I am in your boat with never having bought this card yet and wanting it in a PSA 9, but Iā€™ve decided to ā€œholdā€ for a minute at the current price. I would say I may regret it, but Iā€™ve already decided what Iā€™m willing to pay for it at this time and if that doesnā€™t happen within the next few years, thereā€™s nothing to regretā€“I just wonā€™t own it.

Awesome thanks for that! I guess being new, what Iā€™m willing to pay is market rates, and half my trouble is finding what a fair offer for cards might be. Iā€™m happy saving up for a few months if it means I get the card I want, itā€™s just understanding what fair is.

Appreciate your time bro.

Oh k cool thatā€™s reassuring to hear.

Yea Iā€™m trying to consider my current ā€˜feel goodā€™ price without looking back at pre-spike otherwise Iā€™ll always try to convince myself Iā€™m over paying and might miss out otherwise.

Like I said before, my feel good price is only based on the current market as Iā€™m completely new to this and have no anchor point.

Thanks for the reply!

Great way to look at it in terms of a feel good price. My thinking is, if a PSA 9 settles back to $400 or even $200 (doubtful to nevahgonnahappen), what price am I good with having paid for it? NOW, if it goes up to $2000 in 2021 and beyond, am I happy if I paid, say $1200 for it? Nope, cause thatā€™s not how my stupid ass thinks, I think what is it worth to me to buy today. Assigning value based on what the market might do or where the price may go is a dicey way to go for someone who is collecting in my opinion, and I really try to avoid that thinking.

Haha yea itā€™s a hard one isnā€™t it.

I guess it also helps if you consider why youā€™re buying it. For me, Iā€™m a collector at heart with an eye on investing and I love these cards and wouldnā€™t sell them again unless they:

a) Skyrocketed (in which I would just sell and buy an unlimited version and keep the profits).
b) Needed the money.

Yea itā€™s so hard predicting the future (dw, Iā€™ve tried) so I guess we do the best giving the information we have at hand. Smpratte covered it in one of his later videos, our poke-market is not mature relative to the other TCGā€™s.

I guess Iā€™d rather be kicking myself for overspending now, then kicking myself for not getting in at all over $200 difference (if they explode further, which I think, for those collecting longer term, will happen).


Not 1st edition but could probably draw up a ratio and get a ball park from using this price point