I’ve stumbled on a potential gold mine on Craigslist. Obviously, the last word in that sentence makes this slightly sketchy from the get go. But that leads to my next question, what exactly do I need to look for to verify authenticity, specifically in regard to Japanese PLAY promos?
The images on Craigslist aren’t great and don’t prove anything so I’m trying to get better pictures. But until I get those any input that may at least make me feel comfortable with taking multiple days off work to drive to see them in person would be appreciated. Thanks!
Take this with a grain of salt but I’ve never heard of somebody counterfeiting a niche set of Japanese promos from over a decade ago. You should post the photos to give a better idea of what you’re worried about.
The rarity is my concern, you don’t just see these in the wild. But if you think it being faked is that unlikely I might be going on a road trip tomorrow.