im not as active as i'd like to be here, but i do lurk quite a bit. anyway! Over your collection careers, what was your longest streak you went without acquiring new cards? I ask this because in my 3.5 year quest, im on the longest streak at about 7 months and i dont feel like im missing out! I still enjoy the hobby just as much and its exciting to consider all of new my purchasing options with the increased spending power i now have. So i guess im just curious how long of a break you collectors have taken, and what your reflection was during that time. thanks a lot everyone. hope to talk to you more!
Two years and in fairly recent time, too. Took a break from 2016 to 2018 just because I had graduated with my Masters and was just figuring out my career options.
From the moment I started mid-2015 until now, the largest gap of not purchasing has been two weeks probably, when I was on vacation on a location without WIFI. Excluding that, probably 1-1.5 week tops.
Although I could count the gap between when I stopped collecting in my youth around age 14/15 until when I started again mid-2015 at age 23.
So after Pokemon came out, it was basically from 2012/13 to 2016, I think I might have purchased a pack or two but definitely nothing big. Since 2016 the longest probably was around 2 weeks iirc - I´m way too often on ebay etc. it´s basically part of my daily routine at this point haha
Pretty much in this period now, haven’t made a purchase in around 5 months but it’s only really half been by choice as I’ve just been so caught up on other things to be putting time and money into my collection. My next purchase will be very soon hopefully though as I have the time and money free again now to dedicate to collecting.
Started whenever base rolled out in the UK, then probably didn’t buy any cards 2001 through 2006. Got back into it when Diamond and Pearl launched but I bought a lot of GBA-era sets. 2012-2015 also doubt I bought anything. Got back into it again for Generations in 2016 - then got back into it yet again last year and haven’t really stopped
Over a year. From the end of 2018 to the start of 2020. My biggest purchase put me in a sort of guilt depression. It’s safe to say that re-entering in 2020 changed my perspective of what I was willing to spend.
I’ve actually only collected for a very short timeframe relative to everything else. I collected 1999-2000. Then nothing until 2015. Then stopped from 2016 to 2020. Been going at it from 2020 until here in 2021.
Early 2013 to late 2016. I was in highschool during this period & felt it was time to grow out of collecting pokemon cards. So much for that, started collecting again when I started college.
I think its been years since I was even conscious of when I was buying. It happens so casually now that I could feel like I wasn’t buying much, check my stuff, and I bought something every day. Probably longest in the last decade would have been a 2-3 week period at most centered around being ill or a traumatic life event.