Whats the worst purchase you ever made?

I just bid 60€ on 8 cards then looked at them and saw they are in a bad condition and not worth the money, but ill probably win the auction… and thats gonna be my worst purchase ever xD

I also bought a Battle styles box for 169€ and now i could buy it for 139€ :slightly_frowning_face:
Because I didnt wait a couple more days for the second reprint wave.


What are your worst purchases? (IN TERMS OF CARDS OF COURSE)

Any modern card I bought since 2003



Every time I impulsively bought something when I could’ve made better use of the money on other cards I like more.


Thankfully I can’t think of any one purchase that stands out as my worst ever. But I can think of lots of small ones.

  1. There was a 1st Edition Neo holo I really wanted and got excited when I saw a $1 listing with an offer option. I looked over it quickly on mobile and didn’t even read the description before putting in an offer around market price and I won. Afterward I looked at the listing against and discovered the card was full of creases, which was clearly called out in the description. Nobody’s fault but my own. I eventually made most of the money back by reselling it at a lower price but that sucked because it put me off of getting the card for a while I recouped them cost.

  2. Hastily added an extra zero to my max bid on an item on Yahoo Japan (a lot of flip coins). I won, and luckily for me I didn’t end up paying 10x my intended max bid, but I absolutely paid more than I intended and was on the hook for it. I am still slowly trying to resell the extra coins to make back the money. The coins weren’t in that great condition either.

  3. Bought a PSA 10 card (in 2016, long before the explosion) sight unseen trusting that nothing would get a 10 if it wasn’t truly perfect. It arrived and there is a pretty conspicuous blemish on the card which calls the grade in to question. The whole point of a PSA 10 card is that it’s supposed to be certified flawless so for there to be a plain indicator that this is not the case really hurt my respect for the PSA brand. If nothing else, I realized they’re not infallible. A good lesson to learn though.

  4. The first two Japanese flip coins are two Chansey variants which are hard to tell apart in photos. One has a silver surface and one has a gold surface. But in the wrong light, the silver one can look gold. And at the wrong angle, the gold one can look silver. The gold one sells for an astronomical amount of money (relative to flip coins) and often lists for $1,000 on eBay from native Japanese sellers. While browsing I came across a coin that really looked golden but had only one picture. The price was too high for a silver coin, but much lower than a gold coin, so I couldn’t tell which one the seller thought it was. I asked them for some more pictures and in every picture it looked gold. I thought I stumbled on to a listing for the gold coin at a low price and bought it, not wanting to share too much information with the seller and have him cancel the listing and triple the price. Unfortunately for me when the coin arrived it was just the ordinary silver variant and it was just the lousy yellow light in his apartment that made the coin look gold in all the pics, so I way overpaid for something I didn’t even need. But not every gamble pays off.

These were bad purchases. They were all my fault.

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It was 4AM and I bid around $150 on this thinking it was a Pichu card which was ending around the same time. As soon as I confirmed the bid I realised what I’d done, but there was under 10 seconds left so there was nothing I could do about it. It could have gone much worse though: fortunately Gixen saved me on the Pichu and this Blastoise only ended at $20.50.

Edit: Here it is in all its glory…

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I don’t think that even a single card I’ve ever bought is now worth less than what I paid. On the other hand, I actually regret not selling some Base unlimited holos during October 2020. I don’t expect them to ever be worth that much again.
Also regret many cards I didn’t buy.


I do regret holding the base 9s and 8s I had on hand instead of sending them out to new homes for 2x what they’re at now. Would have been a nice 5 figures to play with. But I didn’t take the time to rationalize the climate at psa causing that surge.


@pichufan, you can buylist that thing to T&T for $30, so you ended up doing fine on it!

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Fossil Booster boxes a few years ago instead of nearly any other Wotc box. I picked the lame duck

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They look the best through, much better than all the other gen 1 boxes


You just picked the late bloomer. Fossil Booster boxes will have their day.


I bought the Pikachu With YOU Wagon promo for roughly 950 USD including shipping, middleman fees, and import fees. They later dropped to around 150 USD, and I think they’re at around 250-300 now despite the crazy market.

I’ve already told this story a dozen of times, so I’ll just link one of the posts that contains the details this time. Definitely my worst deal, although I don’t regret the decision I made back then tbh.

Also funny reading back that old post of 2017, I mentioned the following:

Crazy to think, considering now pre-orders are being cancelled and 3-4x as high in the few weeks that follow its release. :laughing:



As a kid I bought a Cloyster from Fossil for 35kr (about $4) from the store binder at a shop just because I felt like I had to buy something after looking at the cards for literal hours. Fossil packs were 39kr, and I hated (still do) to buy singles.

Other than that, some tins I bought when I was on vacation in London april 2011. They were no cheaper than at home, and all the pulls were shit. Weighed down my suitcase for no reason.

Right now thats the case yeah, but generally speaking preordering seems to just not be worth it. Id love to hear more stories about that topic though!


Palace Belt has two translations. I was searching for the less available one and overpaid. The card is mint so I’m not too upset. Live and learn

Paid a guy $50 for a custom jumbo card a little over a year ago. The design was cool but the quality was dog shit, not to mention him ghosting me after payment for like a month, i was just about to open a paypal case when he messaged me out of the blue saying it was shipped… didnt respond when i messaged him the 10 times during the month to see if he was following through on the deal… blah

Bought a bulk lot which was all bad condition.

Aside from the names at the top and the pokemons not being holo/textured, i liked the design. The quality was terrible though… came dented, was just a sheet glued to cardboard and the corners are trash, its something youd expect for like $10, not $50

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