what's wrong with this ninetales

580$ right now, what am I missing?

What are you missing? Or what is it missing? :wink:

It’s missing it’s attack damage.

“No damage ninetales”

Very sought after.


oh well, i see… will never understand why people pay that stupid amount of money for error cards, makes no sense to me, as long as it doesn’t make the card any more beautiful or special like holo bleeds.

Different strokes for different folks my friend. That’s what makes this world and hobby so interesting.


thank god

I know old school Pokémon collects these
Someone message him a link

just saw a guy who recently bought that very card ungraded.

If PWCC had actually labeled their listing correctly, instead of always just using the PSA label this auction would probably be getting a lot more exposure and going for even more.

I don’t think psa grades this card anymore so that’s why there are probably more ungraded ones available than there are grades ones

I think bgs might still be grading them though

Everytime ive shipped to pwcc they give me the opportunity to edit my listing title before its listed so i wouldnt blame them too much. Super easy to do as well, minimal obstacles

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Error cards are not my thing at all, but they are sought after by many collectors and, combined with scarcity, there’s your price point.

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Let me get this straight…
no damage ninetales = lame
holo bleeds = cool

when did we switch timelines??


what the fuck is nice or beautiful about missing some numbers lol

@pokaholic, Its about the rarity + history. Ninetales is a staple error card.


Speaking of PWCC going with whatever the PSA label says…


I would say that Ninetales is the quintessential error card. It’s always the error card I think of first.

Well what is nice or beautiful about children’s cardboard in general? If there are enough people enjoying it, it generates a certain value. It’s just what it is and arguing about it doesn’t lead anywhere.

The No Damage is definitely a classic.

Pokemon errors are seeing a massive increase in price and demand atm.

I bet that No Damage goes for $750+.

As illustrated by your original post, the No Damaged Ninetales translates into a real value increase on the market as it’s an established and recognized error and has been for years. Holo bleeds aren’t really a thing that people paid attention to until recently and outside of some specific cases, they don’t typically translate into much additional value on the market. Not that there’s anything wrong about holo bleeds or collecting them, and it’s not that money is the only thing that matters.
But what is clear is that in general people care more about the missing number than some holo showing through on a card, which is reflected in the market premium. Other members above have touched on some reasons why.

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yeah i get why it’s rare and valuable, but i will never understand what people like about it, other than the fact that it’s very rare. i collect cards because i like the look of them, i will never buy a card that is very valuable just because it has an error. same with the no rarity japanese base set cards - yes there is no rarity, yes it’s very rare - so what.