Since I only grew up with WOTC I am curious to see what are some of the best sets from after that time (after Skyridge in 2003) that I don’t know about. Post some individual card artwork as examples as well!
For example, lately I’ve been enjoying the Forbidden Light art in general, and one example of a card I enjoy would be Sylveon
If you enjoy great artwork I really recommend you to check the ex-series out (sets from Ex Ruby & Sapphire up to Ex Power Keepers). For me that era is up there in terms of my favorite artwork on the TCG. If I posted all my favorites this would become a spam post! I have to say the Diamond & Pearl & Platinum era also has lots of great cards in terms of art, especially Majestic Dawn set’s holo cards.
To this day I still feel like almost nothing holds a candle to Neo Revelations. So much consistency in terms of great art work and style. Every card felt original, almost every card had stunning artwork, it also introduced Shining Pokemon, a premier that not even Mega Pokemon hold over it.
No other set after has held my breath since. I had high hopes for XY at the time, but so many of the cards came out as cheap disappointments.
Crystal Guardians is a close second. Gym Hero’s/Team Rocket for third.
Personally Crimson Invasion took Pokemon Art to another Level,
Nihilego-GX for me is probably the most inventive and creative piece of art Pokemon has ever thrown at the collector,
The set as a whole can not be matched and I have 5 complete sets sitting in binders ready for the obvious time when this set will grow in appreciation from all parts of the pokemon community, get in soon before it’s too late,