When you buy PSA 8.5 and expect PSA 11


I just had a stroke.


Me too, send help. Dont think ima make it to the shiny v release.


When you buy a PSA 8.5 and you’re expecting a PSA 11.


Haha that is perfect! I’m going to make that the new title. :blush:


I mean PSA calls it NM-MT+ he just wanted the MT+



whatever happened to “buy what you like”

I’d take an 8.5 1st Ed Entei holo all day, everyday in this market.

When eBay allows a return option that specifically states, “Just didn’t like it,” buyer could have said any degree of ridiculousness and it still would not matter.

It’s like those people who message you saying your PSA 10 should not be a 10 but then expect PSA 9 or 8 prices. Screw those guys. I just ignore those people on ebay or instagram cause they really aren’t serious about purchasing. Pertaining to your situation, you should be good as long as you have a no return policy. Just didn’t like it does not qualify for returns.

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Is “Just didn’t like it” an option eBay provides for you to select when requesting a return, or is that something the buyer entered? If the former, then I’m kind of speechless.

Do you actually have to accept the return?

Yep, thats an actual pre-filled reason you can choose on eBay when creating a return.

You only have to accept returns if the buyer makes a not as described return or if your eBay account is set to accept returns in which case returns will be automatically accepted. Otherwise you can decline it.

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So in this case, there is no obligation to accept the return, right?

Depends on what Scott’s return policy is. If he accepts returns, as gengarguy stated, he has to accept the return. If he doesn’t accept returns, then he can decline it. Returns can only be forced upon sellers who don’t accept returns if the chosen reason is INaD. So gengarguy’s post basically covers it lol.

And you didn’t deliver an 11? Sounds like bad customer service to me!

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