Where Did This Shadowless Sheet Come From?

I just listed a bunch of mainly Japanese sealed items of which this shadowless poster was among them. Since it’s been tucked away for nearly 20 years I can’t remember anything about it.
I got several questions from a great friend, and member here, I just can’t answer so I hope someone here can.

Do you have any idea what these are -

  1. Do they display the entire Base Set - or just the Holo Cards?
  2. Any idea how large the fold-out is?
  3. Where did it come from?


“It says “Holographics” on the side so I guess that ones answered.”

Turns out there are more than just holographics on this sheet as shown by a member below.
Would still like to see an opened, full sheet without opening my sealed one. Plus I’d like to know what this was released in?

To me it looks like a set checklist similar to the new ones in the Trainer Box booklets. I’m not sure though.

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I’m pretty sure I saw that poster on eBay last year. From what I remember the non-holo cards are on there as well.

Edit - This is the best picture I could find:

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I actually just bought a lot off ebay that had a couple of these in it. It’s a check list on one side and a half play mat on the other…Not sure where it actually came from though.

They could be obtained through the Poketour gift bag here in Australia, not sure about the US

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Gary these are the ones I had asked you about a while back. You said you’d have to look. Rusty was giving them away when he first opened his store.

Hmm…not sure I meant these. So Rusty had these sealed as a giveaway? If so, I’ll call him and ask where they came from.

That’s interesting. Anybody have a spare for sale? looks like a neat poster

I have the French version:

This is just a very cool half playmat which was used during Pokémon League events :blush: