I just updated my Avatar. One great thing about being a HS teacher is I have a ton of untapped talent at my disposal and I run the anime club, so I got one student to help make my avatar. She sketched it and then turned it into a digital image. The inspiration came from the opening of Gold/Silver version on gameboy and I have my own sketch, which I use to use as my avatar. Let me know what you think! Also, do you guys prefer the triangle background or blank background???
Tell me where the inspiration for YOUR avatar came from! I see some interesting ones, so give me the story!
I was a huge gamer nerd as a teenager and well before then even. Once I had beaten Pokemon Red 70 times on my gameboy color, the xbox came out with the best FPS ever made, Halo: Combat Evolved, and it basically took over my life. That’s where my username ODDJOBwasHere came from too, ODDJOB was my halo gamertag because i’m short like him (muhahah can’t hit me with your silenced PP7 Jaws)… Oh yea, but as far as my avatar goes, I think i just googled pokemon and halo images LOLOL
I have no idea where my avatar originally comes from…
Jk, I just cropped the art from a photo of the Guardians Rising Alolan Vulpix card. I just love the art so much and fell in love with it since I first saw it.
A long time ago, I came across an artist on Tumblr known as Monarobot. She started experimenting with Mayan inspired Pokemon and I was her first Gyarados submission. Originally she did a different design which I admitted I was a little disappointed with and she came up with this incredible beauty:
Since then, I’ve just been using it for my Azul Ryu accounts.
@nuttun Thanks for sharing that video, it was interesting to hear those kanji(?) characters that I recognised being pronounced.
モン meta mon
I chose the Gen 1 Tentacruel sprite because I had been playing the rerelease of Blue on the gameboy and was destroying everything with its toxic/wrap stall that I just ‘discovered’.
I believe my avatar was promotional art for Neo Revelation back in the day, as the artwork is seen within that set. I’d kill to have my avatar as a wall scroll or poster to hang up, I love it. It takes me back to seeing the Legendary Beasts within the Burned Tower as a kid.
Have been putting together my Gym sets and came across a Rocket Sabrina(redone from the manga) while looking for a wallpaper. Ended up being my profile picture on here as well.
Mine is of a promotional flier we made for an event held at my Tokyo toy store about 20 years ago. The special guest was the WOTC employee who translated the original-era cards from Japanese into English.
For mine, the inspiration goes back to when base set came out and those where the first cards i had along with plenty of energy cards so i used the energy symbols and placed each individual one around the pokeball.
I used a total of 10 separate images to make my avatar.
It took me a while to find a site that could generate my username in the Pokemon font and colors.
Very pleased with it as it perfectly sums up when my pokemon journey started and also the type of collector i am
My avatar I actually commissioned from an artist I follow on twitter XD they also did my youtube banner. It’s a persona I designed myself that’s loosely based on what I actually look like + the mandatory magikarp hat to show my love :3
As for the pattern of the Rubik’s Cube: it’s a pattern I came up with myself which resembles the letters K (in red) and C (in green), which are the initials of my name (Kevin Cruijssen).
That card was my white whale for a long time, now that i got it i should probably get a new one soon. So basically i use my most wanted card as avatar, you have to be always focused on your target