Where to find card shows?

Hi everyone! I’ve been into collecting for some time now and would like to go to card shows to complete the last pieces of my graded sets. However, I’m struggling to find a centralized place that has them all listed. Where is the best place to find out about dates/location of card shows, or even better - Pokemon specific card shows if they exist?


If you happened to live in Europe this thread should help: Pokemon events/shows calendar Europe


I actually live in Canada, but thanks for this if I ever find myself in Europe!

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Your best bet is Facebook or Instagram. Most trade shows have a social media presence nowadays. Many big cities in North America have longstanding shows that used to be sports-heavy and now cater to Pokemon and TCGs.

If you don’t mind traveling across the border, you could visit U.S. Collect-a-Cons. Another option is Regionals for Pokemon competitive play.

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Thanks for the response, that’s actually very helpful! 100% expect to be going across the border to the USA for most of these conventions. Collect-a-con sounds like a good name to watch out for, I’ll look it up! Are there any other names of conventions that are worth looking up?

Collect-a-con is probably the largest one in terms of what you’re looking for. There really is not any other one that is as notable and specifically for non-sports.

There’s a lot of sports shows that have started doing more Pokemon stuff like this one https://sportcardexpotoronto.com

You could also see where PSA and CGC are going


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Follow “influencers” in IG, as they are featuring shows on weekly basis!


Just incase you want to see uk ones then you can google uk card shows and there’s a website that shows all the shows across the year

I would just google “card shows near me” and see what pops up. Thats how I found out about some local shows. There are quite a few national ones that are US based. Not sure if they have anything in Canada, but they might :man_shrugging:

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