Which are your favorite English promos?

I’m looking to dive into a new grouping of cards for fun. I don’t really have much knowledge on English promos. What are some of your favorites?

Mewtwo promo #12. Illustrated by the late Christopher Rush of WOTC in early 2000… easily my favorite :blush:


The Tropical Wind/Champion Featival/whatever else cards given out at Worlds come to mind. Bonus points for top 16, Quarters, Semis, etc.

Also, I quite like original Black Star set… a few of those are pretty hard to find.

Finally, if you like hunting whales, you can try to find some obscenely rare and notable cards like Stadium Deoxys, the Championship Arena (I think that’s the name), and even the trophies from 2004(?)ish onward.

Outside of that, Japanese is going to be way more fun to collect promos for. This year alone there have been more notable promos than the last several years combined for English

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beautiful card :blush:

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Would have to go with the Poketour Pikachu and Meowth


I would say Venusaur from the posts above and this Persian which looks amazing.


For me it has to be Birthday Pikachu #24. I absolutely love Himeno’s artwork and this card takes the cake not only as my favorite English promo, but also my favorite Himeno piece. I really like the 1998 Japanese version too, probably more. Something about the simplicity of the inticing cake and background 60’s projector psychedelia. Looks a scene from a Miyazaki film or something. Got a PSA 10 recently too!


By far my favorite Promo is this recent Exeggcute illustrated by ooyama!

The first time I saw this I quickly bought all of them off eBay that were selling for under 2$. I currently have 40 of them and I couldn’t be happier!


Shining Ho-oh!

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I like the WOTC eve holo promo! I will have pics for you guys soon In my collection thread!

I think this is the only so-called “English promo” that is not just a stamped existing card haha

Mine was already posted, the Persian promo card. But the best would be to have the error one where the HP of the Persian is missing. I almost bought it a couple of times when I saw it for maybe 180$ or so, but just couldn’t squeeze the idea into reality. I need to find it cheaper than that. Or just give up waiting for that to happen. :blush:

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Yes, the Eevee one! I freaked when I first saw that card year ago.


Hmm, let me think about that question for a moment… :slightly_smiling_face:

Will soon send some to BGS in the hope for a 10 (or better yet, Black Label 10). Also, if anyone has the final sealed Australian variation (here a picture of the Zapdos and here of the Articuno to see which one I mean) please let me know / buy it.



It’s the ultimate WOTC era promo in my mind for that reason. Christopher Rush of MTG fame combined with my favorite collectible… And the artwork leaves nothing to be desired! It was an instant classic :blush:

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1st edition shadowless charizard galaxy promo.

New to the hobby members: this is a joke.


Black Star Promo #15 - Cool Porygon.

Just because of them name. So obscure.

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Mew (Lilypad) Wizards Black Star Promo 47

This one without a doubt, I remember getting this in a trade when I was just a Wean (Scots dialect for child; pronounced Wee-Yin lol) back when I had no real concept of cards outside of set cards, so I really coveted this as something of a treasure, even now I still get that nostalgic buzz looking at it in my collection.