Are there any that always get left behind?
Anyone says metapod I’m slashing your tires
Do we mean forgettable in terms of bland design or ones that we feel just simply get overlooked for no real reason?
If it’s the former, then I’d probably agree with Seel/Dewgong (as already posted above) which is a pretty terrible evolution as well.
If it’s the latter, maybe Goldeen/Seaking or Shellder/Cloyster.
For me itd probably be doduo.
You shush your mouth
Dont ban me im joking
These would be my votes.
Jynx, Mr Mime, Far Fetch
Im sorreeeee
spearow is worthless
My vote is on
This is my vote as well. People will get Seadra and Seaking mixed up in conversations, I know two Tangela collectors, but almost no one even mentions Seal. Dewgong would be on that list as well if it weren’t for the old Dewgong collector from years back.