Why cant they just rename kadabra?

Why hasn’t kadabra just been renamed yet? I know kadabra isnt like a wildly popular pokemon that fans are dying to have cards made of but to bring him back couldn’t they simply just rename the dude?

Or is there more to the story with the whole deal that I dont know, that his art cant even be used or something?

Playing the card game competitively, I dont see why it would be too hard to word alakazams and his card in a way that gets around/explains the new name as far as the evolution goes while battling.

I just want kadabra back…

Look how rad his last card is!

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Not sure myself, but I have a feeling that @kurtosisblakeinfini has an answer for this.

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Not sure about popularity but atleast I do like Abra evolutions. Those tv episodes where Abra and Kadabra were involved on season 1 were amazing!

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I thought the issue was more with his design, not the name.


The Kadabra card above makes it look like something out of South Park…


it’s not a naming problem, but more about the spoon bending for which Uri Geller was famous for

The name kadabra has nothing to do with it. The Japanese name has a reference to the person and the spoon was the reason Uri Geller put up the lawsuit. It also didn’t help that he felt Kadabra was designed after a ‘satanic’ character, even though the lawsuit only claims Nintendo used his likeness.

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@chappo @cullers If its the spoon that’s the issue why is alakazam still able to be used featuring spoons?

And i wonder why couldn’t they have just either taken the spoon away or put any other random object in his hand?

I’m certainly far from lawyer but it seems like they could have easily worked around it to have kept him!

I thought it was a combination of both the name and the design of the Pokémon. I never really understood why Alakazam wasn’t banned holding two spoons, but I’m very glad they didn’t because it’s one of my favorite Pokémon.

Btw, off-topic but still related: Porygon2 and Porygon-Z also hasn’t been featured in any anime episode since that epileptic episode featuring Porygon where Japanese kids had to go to the hospital with seizures. I would also love to see an episode with Porygon/Porygon2/Porygon-Z, but just like Kadabra getting new cards or being shown in the anime, I don’t think it will happen (until Uri Geller passes away and the lawsuits are expired maybe).

There have also been cards/anime-episodes which were cancelled due to certain events, and never released later on. The BW77 and BW78 Pikachu/Raichu promos for example; or the anime featuring Whiscash (and an earthquake) which was cancelled and never aired due to strong earthquakes in Niigata, Japan at the time. And I could name a few more select cases like this.

As for the Kadabra, the case was never won by Uri Geller as mentioned above. But also never dismissed. To quote Bulbapedia on the matter:



It’s a combination of everything, Uri sued over the entire abra-alakazam line, but it’s Kadabra’s Japanese name is closest to Uri. I can’t be sure, but I assume that’s why they don’t print Kadabra but leave abra and alakazam alone.

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apparantly hes only a problem in the tcg, and theyre not gnna change something for the whole multimedia franchise bc of lawsuits against one of the branches. just like porygon didnt disappear everywhere else even tho its not in the anime after that whole seizure thing

It’s crazy it had to come this far when Uri Geller isn’t even his actual birth name. But then again - as mentioned in this thread already - this guy loves to threaten legal action. This whole ordeal reminds me of the Microsoft lawsuit against a high school student named Mike Rowe, who made a personal website by the name of “mikerowesoft.com”.


I would have never heard of uri gellar if it wasn’t for the Kadabra controversy. He should be great full to Pokemon for making him even remotely relevant.


Why can’t we just rename Uri Geller…?



Just stumbled on this topic of topics to rule them all as I was about to zzz.

In the meantime if I can help enlighten, have a gander at my link below as I’ll now be in bed with Xuchilbara and Ultimecia prepping the KT Boundary Black pill anti-tl; dr perscriptions in a future sight near you. Putting this on tab. Thanks for the thought @azulryu . :blush:

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That’s just the thing, Uri Geller is a nickname, his stage name if you will. His real name is György Gellér. Problem solved, start the presses!


Hoard all Kadabras…:blush:

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Kadabra now bends forks, easy fix


I know. I have seen his trick show on TV and his skills have been debunked by that professor with the beard (I think he passed a few years ago).

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James Randi - totally tore him to shreds as we all know its a trick and thats what the great performers do amazing tricks.