Why did evolution boxes become cheaper?

I have not been checking the prices of the english evolution booster boxes for 2 weeks. Last time I checked they were around 105-110$ on eBay. Now they are down to 94$. I don’t know if this is a “big” price drop or if boxes were just priced higher before. My question to you is, do you think the boxes will remain at this price level or will they go up to 105$ again? I am thinking of buying atleast 12 of them to stock up on. Thanks!

I think they had another print run

They will be in print for the next 1-2 years like all other sets. Unlimited print to meet demand during those times like all other TCG booster box sets. A ton of people getting too hyped on them too quickly and buying boxes to sit on. I would not buy these any higher than you normally pay for any other booster boxes. I would also not stock up just yet. A lot of time to think about it and wait for normal prices. It was temporary hype and Pokemon was a little behind in printing like they have been all year with so many products coming out all year.

I think these will underperform most peoples expectations long term as I expect them to be one of the higher print runs in a long time with all the PoGo hype, 20th anniversary hype as well as base set reprint hype. Everyone and their brother is stocking up on this set. I am not saying I expect them to be a bad investment, as I don’t think you can really go wrong with any sealed boxes, but I just think they won’t be as good as everyone seems to expect simply for the reason that everyone is expecting it.


The Japanese set will appreciate much quicker than this. To see what evo does you have to wait till it goes out of print and then some.

Evo boxes were $85-$90. They went up in price a little bit in between print run shipment now they are returning to their iriginal price, actually a few bucks higher. Technicially they are not below their preorder price.

Horrible thing is, here in Sweden a sealed box costs 137$ in store. If I want it cheaper I have to wait so long for it to arrive. The struggle :confused: Also, gottaketchumall, if you say this is less of a good investment. What do you think is a better one? The STAFF promo cards and this sealed box, I believe a lot in.

I think any sealed booster box is a good investment, especially looking at some of the great ones that really popped like Flashfire, Roaring Skies, Dark Explorers, Plasma Freeze and Plasma Storm. Greater than a 2x gain in under a year from the print ending.

I just mean to say that I think people are expecting to buy these boxes a case or two at a time and have them double or triple next year. I mean that isn’t going to happen plainly because this is going to be in print for ~2 years like all the other sets. I think this set will have an unprecedented amount of sealed boxes staying sealed compared to most other sets and a higher print run to begin with of cards being opened just because of the big hype time we are living in at the moment. I still think within 2-3 years this will be a couple hundred dollar box and in several years should be a bit more than that. But that is basically what any box does. I mean try to buy anything from D&P, Platinum, HGSS eras and they are all at least $200 or up.