I’m curious how you all picked your names here. Some are obvious but many are almost like an inside joke.
I’ll start:
Not Zelda Gilroy is a takeoff of a username I had on eBay from from 2006 thru 2012. That username was whos_zelda_gilroy.
So, who was zelda gilroy?
She was a character on my favorite tv show growing up, “The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis”. She played the smart, plain looking girl who was always after Dobie. Unfortunately for her he was always after, but could rarely catch for long, the hottest girl in school,
When i was a kid, there was a children’s tv program called The Teletubbies which had a green character called Dipsy
It was my favorite tv show at the time so dipsy eventually became my nickanme at hame and at school lol
The first 3 letters of my first name and the characters name were the same.
I also use it on any forums i join, providing its not taken
Mine is just a more or less random string of letters that I chose to post my collection onto Reddit initially. I don’t even know how I would pronounce it.
I like the feel of a pokemon that was supposed to be but never was… Til this day I wonder what that pokemon would’ve looked like. Probably my favorite part of pokemon red growing up was encountering MissingNo. Just the name alone makes me persist the idea of what could’ve should’ve and would’be.
mine is because most places the username sam is already taken so I end up trying to add on numbers and those end up being taken. Samsamsamsmsmsm is the result of frustration from not being able to choose sam since I don’t like aliases.
Actually isnt the photo you have as your avatar the japanese cd promo venusaur? I don’t think base set had a Ken Sugimori version of Venusaur in there, I’m pretty sure it was Mitsuhiro Aritas artwork…
First you must have a pokemon that knows surf and another that knowss fly. then you go to Viridian city and talk to the old man that teaches you how to catch pokemon(which is totally incorrect because he doesn’t weaken it and plain out just throws the ball at it) after that you fly to cinnabar island and swim along the coast, when you encounter MissingNo. After catching, the sixth item in your item bag multiplies by 129, it also glitches the start menu ,cities,and pokemon levels If you catch it a second time. I remember catching a poliwrath level 259 once, it knocked out other pokemon faster than you could imagine.
I actually found that glitch out of pure boredom. I remember it too actually, I flew to Viridian city for no reason, I said “let me talk to that old man just one more time” so I did and after I was done talkig to him I said “hmm where do I go now” so I flew to cinnabar island. Then for some odd reason I decided to go swimming so I hopped onto Lapras but accidently hopped back onto land and after, persisted to swim…all of a sudden bam! *battle music* when I first saw it my mind froze. After that moment I never forgot how awesome it was to Encounter MissingNo…hence I chose my UPCCC name.